The Student Room Group

ODing on Pill - please help!

I'm currently in a stress about exams etc. And just now when I was on TSR I remembered I hadn't taken my pill, I tend to keep it up front on my desk so i remember. I took it and as soon as I did I got the impreession i'd taken it say 30 mins earlier and it had slipped myy mind...i cant remmeber how many were left in it from yesterday. I'm quite worried - i'm not using it as a contraceptive so should I induce nausea or something to bring out both pills? I'm feeling slightly woozy atm, buut i thuink thats coz im panciking. help!
Reply 1
what type of pill are you on? I'd say you're ok. If I miss a pill in a packet, sometimes I end up talking 2 pills in one day.
Reply 2
Diane 35 which is like Dianette, I'm out all day tomorrow and don't wanna end up fainting, being sick in public or anything :frown:
Inducing vomiting will mean that the Pill doesn't take effect... certainly I've read that if you take it as a contraceptive and then vomit, it's unlikely to be effective. I'm not sure if that's advisable though! Call NHS Direct -- with some stuff you really shouldn't induce vomiting, and it might not be harmful anyway. What does the packaging say 'in event of overdose'?
Reply 4
it doesnt say anything :frown: I'm just using it to regulate my period, so there;s no worry of getting pregnant etc.
If it doesn't say anything, I highly doubt that it's harmful. It's hormones, so you might get a mood swing or two... but that's just speculation on my part, hehe. Probably won't hurt you! But ring NHS Direct to set your mind at rest... it can't hurt. :smile:
Reply 6
you should be fine,well im on microgynon 30 n it says if you 1 miss pill and its less than 12 hours then to take that pill aswell as the other and you should be fine(thats saying affective wise)so if its advising that im sure you'll be fine.ive took 2 at a time a few times when ive forgot.

hmm did that make sense?lol

Reply 7
call the nhs direct,it happened to me last week,but i'm on microgynon.
Reply 8
Thanks all...I realised I had the date written in my diary and counted pills - I didn't take an extra one. :smile:
All's well that ends well! :smile: