The Student Room Group

Muse Society

Hey all you Muse fans!

This thread shall be entirely (hmm.... :rolleyes:) dedicated to one of the greatest rock bands ever - MUSE.

Anyone can join this who likes or even loves the sensational music produced by Bellamy and co.

This soc is finally official! Click here to join officially! :biggrin:


1. greeniev (founder)*
2. Decent Jam*
3. n u c l e a r b u d d h a*
4. A.ndy*
5. Agent Z
6. brimstone
7. F1 fanatic*
8. Hanzing*
9. hybridchild
10. Hanski
11. bengal_tiger
12. Axiom
13. Cougar*
14. jhighmore*
15. R6556jf*
16. amadoriv*
17. crafty bison*
18. Hanski*
19. Marvi*
20. Morgoth*
21. lazydays*
22. shyopstv*
23. van Gogh*
24. R.J.A*
25. chel*
26. Mighty Mitty*
27. Shankar*
28. Country Lad Rob*
29. Skuu*
30. Lady_Muck*
31. teh_samby*
32. e_clark*

* - official member

Honorary Members:

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Fair point, Dark Shines is excellent. ROCK ON! Totally in for Reading Festival, how about everyone else?
Reply 2
OMG. You were standing in front of Bellamy?? :eek: *bows down before you* :p:

Btw, do you think we should get the Muse logo as the piccie of the soc?
Reply 3
OMG. You were standing in front of Bellamy?? :eek: *bows down before you* :p:

Btw, do you think we should get the Muse logo as the piccie of the soc?

I was. :p: He was singing to ME. :biggrin: Ok, so maybe not, but it was so cool. That was the highlight of my night because I love that song so much.

The Muse logo would be a good idea, yeah; it's pretty AND sensible because everyone'll know what we're about. :p:
Reply 4
haha :biggrin:
when was that btw? I haven't been to a muse gig yet... *me being completely annoyed*

hmmm... :biggrin:
Reply 5
'Twas in December 2004. I missed a whole day of school for that gig. What a rebel I was. :wink:

You will see them one day... you have to. :p:
Reply 6
You skived school :eek: lol. I love doing that :biggrin:

Reply 7
You can count me in, im a closet Muse fan.. time to come out of the cuboard me thinks...

I love "Plug In Baby" and a few songs from "Absolution"...

Reply 8
You can count me in, im a closet Muse fan.. time to come out of the cuboard me thinks...

I love "Plug In Baby" and a few songs from "Absolution"...


I didn't know closet Muse fans existed. :p: I thought Muse fans were all hardcore and spoke of their undying love for them at any opportunity. :biggrin:
Reply 9

atm, I'm trying to request an official soc... What should I say in the description bit? *confused*
Reply 10
n u c l e a r b d h
I didn't know closet Muse fans existed. :p: I thought Muse fans were all hardcore and spoke of their undying love for them at any opportunity. :biggrin:

Yeap, muse are just one of many bands i suppose i don't say i "love" like i do about other bands to my mates etc.. but they are great... :smile:
I love Muse, so count me in! :biggrin:
Reply 12

atm, I'm trying to request an official soc... What should I say in the description bit? *confused*

Hmmm... is that the bit that people see when they look through the societies list? Whatever you write, make this thing sound exciting. :p: And don't forget to mention that Muse are incredible. :wink:
Reply 13
yep. but how...?? :eek: I'm so uncreative atm, so you gotta help me out! :wink:
...i'd join but i don't space:frown: ...i'll just pop in and bug you anyway:p:
Reply 15
lol, fine! :biggrin:

we're not doing bad at all - 6 members in half an hour!
Reply 16
yep. but how...?? :eek: I'm so uncreative atm, so you gotta help me out! :wink:

I'm uncreative full stop. :p: If I wrote the description or even helped out with a few words, the society would fail. Trust me. :wink: I'd use made up words and stuff. :frown:
Reply 17
lol, fine! :biggrin:

we're not doing bad at all - 6 members in half an hour!

'Tis very impressive. :p: I think I'll put something in my signature to make more people aware of its existence. :cool:
Reply 18
Whats the latest news on a new album/tour over the summer?
Reply 19
n u c l e a r b d h
I'm uncreative full stop. :p: If I wrote the description or even helped out with a few words, the society would fail. Trust me. :wink: I'd use made up words and stuff. :frown:

maybe I'm just look at other descriptions on socs... something might come out of that :p: