The Student Room Group

Anyone in Mixed race relationships?

Hi. Over in the 'Indian woman' thread. this is basically what we were discussing. I love seeing mixed race couples...makes me happy to see people that dont care about trivial things like race. and lets not forget what fine products they make *cough* ( amazing biracial children :rolleyes: ) So tell us ur stories of mixed race relations.
Never had an official bf...but 'flings' with
Puerto Rican
half white/half lebanonese guys
what about yall

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Reply 1
ok me first. since we obviously arent very racially mixed in here. So yeah, I dont see how people can solely date one race. I mean if u fall in love or whatever and it happens like that then fine--but the people that are like 'i only date blondes i.e white girls or I only date black guys' its like wtf you know....venture out a little...
i was friends with an asian guy- we started dating, but it didnt feel right to rush things, that is only reason why we split up, but he is now my best friend. i love him so much though, i would do anything for him. he is one of the most important people in the world to me. i love meeting a mixture of people from different cultures, they can be great. i am so glad i met my best friend, he makes me laugh so much, even more than any friend from my own culture, so it's brilliant.
I went out with an Indian girl for a while. Sadly, it didn't work out because she was barking mad.
Reply 4
oh wow. lol sorry to hear that
Reply 5

Who's this Yall bloke?
Reply 6
lol you are so gay :p: shutup lol. Sorry 'you all'
Who's this Yall bloke?

Reply 8
I'm in one, athough you couldn't tell. He's half white half Afghan, but he's not muslim. I don't really even notice his race, his background doesn't change him at all, he's about as English as you get. He's absoloutely gorgeous though, dark hair and skin but blue eyes. Such a good combo. xx
Reply 9
I've never been attracted to a black man, I just don't find them attractive ever. Mixed race, sometimes, hispanic, sometimes, but mostly white. Some women I know (white) only like black men, or Chinese men or whatever.
Reply 10
so most of yall are 'inter-racial lites' :p: sorry...but my mom is as dark as night and my dad is white....they went through a lot of crap.
Reply 11
I've never been attracted to a black man, I just don't find them attractive ever. Mixed race, sometimes, hispanic, sometimes, but mostly white. Some women I know (white) only like black men, or Chinese men or whatever.

eugh lol I dont like you lol :p: well...i guess...if those are ur preferences. of course black guys in the Uk are from different from the ones here :rolleyes:
Reply 12
I'm Chinese and my girlfriend is Indian.

Been going out 2 years 7 months :smile:

Loving every minute of it :biggrin:

It's difficult hiding the relationship from her relatives, they seem everywhere :eek: so can't do pubic signs of effection, standing near each other would get her in trouble....
Reply 13
so can't do pubic signs of effection
nice :p:
Wow. How have u managed to keep it up for 2 u have sex lol eugh...nosy :smile:
Reply 14

We'r kinda waiting for the right moment i.e. marriage lollll.

Hey I dont mind, its nice to know that we can do things that ain't sexualy orientated.

She's also religious, which I have the upmost respect for!
Reply 15
aww thats nice. Y'all gonna make some cute babies :biggrin:
Reply 16
aww thats nice. Y'all gonna make some cute babies :biggrin:

:smile: Thanks lol....
Reply 17
I think a person's nationality along with the place they lived in influence the overall character, since, for example, a chinese girl who grew up in china will be very different from one who grew up in, say, UK or US or france or nigeria... but ya i beliieve she will still have some chinese things from genetics, but the environment also plays a big role.

Sometimes the difference in traditions etc make it hard for mixed relationships but i realised that it works better when the 2 different-race people grew up in the same country (e.g mexican and italian who grew up & lived in england or anywhere)

but u never know :rolleyes:
Reply 18
so can't do pubic signs of effection

You mean you are a quadriplegic?
I'm Chinese and my girlfriend is Indian.

Been going out 2 years 7 months :smile:

Loving every minute of it :biggrin:

It's difficult hiding the relationship from her relatives, they seem everywhere :eek: so can't do pubic signs of effection, standing near each other would get her in trouble....

Wow! Awesome mix :yy: :smile:

It's um, also what I kind of am myself (as in, I'm part Indian and Chinese:biggrin: ) so it's good to see.