The Student Room Group

is this wrong?

last night after gettin totally wreaked my bf his best mate and me came back to mine we all talked about sex and then watched porn together, i dunno how common it is for mates to watch it together but i know my bf and his mates have in the past (it doesnt really bother me at all) however after this when his mate was sleepin on the floor and still awake he began fingering me and told his mate lol when his mate was sleeping (i know he was dead to the world as he was snoring sooo loudly) me and my bf took things a bit further and bit other very sexual stuff naked on the bed, which now looking back was sooo risky and would have been so :eek: :redface: if he had woken up, things went further but we moved to another room for that :redface:

at the time, being drunk and horny i didnt think much about all that happened but now looking back i am concerned that it was all pretty gross behaviour and am a bit ashamed really

ps. i guess i should add that yes the thrill of it did turn me on alot, and my bf has done things like this before but not as full on when for example family members have been in the same room
This reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons, where Homer and Marge have sex in a barn! :biggrin:

You have to remember that the risk of getting caught may excite you and your bf, but what if you get caught in the act? You probably would never live that down.
Reply 2
Nothing to be ashamed about and it wasn't gross behaviour at all!
sounds like a good nite to me - booze and laughs, a bit of blue, then a great session!
Reply 4
sounds like my night! except i was the mate and we didn't watch porn, just moulin rouge! I was slightly uncomfotable with it, more so as we were all sharing a bed, but they did leave the room to do the deed which was very kind of them.
Sounds safe to me, who cares? Just have fun! Life's bound to get in the way sooner or later, take every opportunity.
Sounds fine except the family members bit, I wouldn't do ANYTHING never mind pda with them around...doesn't say what you mean so assume you just mean kiss but I still wouldn't do anything with family around.
Least it was with your b/f and not his best mate :biggrin:
been there done that, exacept we were in a bed with someone else and went into a room with diffrent drunk people in it lol ah.....good memories

dont worry you'll get over it
last night after gettin totally wreaked my bf his best mate and me came back to mine we all talked about sex and then watched porn together, i dunno how common it is for mates to watch it together but i know my bf and his mates have in the past (it doesnt really bother me at all) however after this when his mate was sleepin on the floor and still awake he began fingering me and told his mate lol when his mate was sleeping (i know he was dead to the world as he was snoring sooo loudly) me and my bf took things a bit further and bit other very sexual stuff naked on the bed, which now looking back was sooo risky and would have been so :eek: :redface: if he had woken up, things went further but we moved to another room for that :redface:

at the time, being drunk and horny i didnt think much about all that happened but now looking back i am concerned that it was all pretty gross behaviour and am a bit ashamed really

ps. i guess i should add that yes the thrill of it did turn me on alot, and my bf has done things like this before but not as full on when for example family members have been in the same room

This has totally happened to me before! Yeh, in the morning you kinda feel a bit dirty, lol, but s'all good in the end.

I guess I should add that my story is even more scandalous because it was after a party (which of course involved heavy drinking) and there were only three lads in the room... :p:
last night after gettin totally wreaked my bf his best mate and me came back to mine we all talked about sex and then watched porn together, i dunno how common it is for mates to watch it together but i know my bf and his mates have in the past (it doesnt really bother me at all) however after this when his mate was sleepin on the floor and still awake he began fingering me and told his mate lol when his mate was sleeping (i know he was dead to the world as he was snoring sooo loudly) me and my bf took things a bit further and bit other very sexual stuff naked on the bed, which now looking back was sooo risky and would have been so if he had woken up, things went further but we moved to another room for that

at the time, being drunk and horny i didnt think much about all that happened but now looking back i am concerned that it was all pretty gross behaviour and am a bit ashamed really

ps. i guess i should add that yes the thrill of it did turn me on alot, and my bf has done things like this before but not as full on when for example family members have been in the same room

Is it wrong? Did you feel wrong when it happened? Does it feel wrong now? If it does then there's your answer!

Don't use other people's judgements to decide what's right or wrong, when you've got yours.
Reply 11
dude, we've all been there...
:rofl: I did similar things a few nights ago! It was me & my f**kbuddy & a female friend...and she wasn't asleep, just too high to leave the room & to really pay attention to what was going on. To be fair the 2 of us had been holding off doing anything for hours before she finally said "Honestly you two keep jumping away from each other when I come back in the room! Just do what you have to do..I'm going to watch a movie...LOUDLY!"