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Reply 1
June Ball. :biggrin:
Not that I'm going this year, but, June Ball. :biggrin:
£57....EH!? Im not sure how much ours is but its not that much by a long shot. It does get heavily subsidised by our JCR but Collingwood...ouch!
Reply 3
£57....EH!? Im not sure how much ours is but its not that much by a long shot. It does get heavily subsidised by our JCR but Collingwood...ouch!

Try £102.50 per person for this year's June Ball....:s:
Reply 4
Yeah, aggrrhhh. Sounds as though it will be worth it though. Not that I'll be going if we don't get this form off in time.
Reply 5
Yeah, aggrrhhh. Sounds as though it will be worth it though. Not that I'll be going if we don't get this form off in time.

So worth it.
Reply 6
So worth it.

Pfft :rolleyes:

Castle again showing why they're seen as the rah college - massive prices for their Summer Ball and stupid channels that you have to go through to even PAY these prices!!!

"If you are a first year and are going out with a third year but are friends with a second year and the second year is living abroad next year but you do a science degree and the third year also does a science degree and you're a member of the University Ski club and you walk at an average rate of 100 steps per minute whilst humming perfectly to the tune of 'Postman Pat' then you'll be 64th out of 1,344 places in line to get a ticket for the June ball. £100 please!"


Trevs -> about £40, EVERYONE in college can go (and invite guests!) and it's awesome. When will you rahs realise that it's not about getting the most expensive things possible, but about just creating the correct atmosphere?!....I'd hate to be at the June Ball with all your amazing entertainments but knowing that half of my friends are stuck at home because they didn't get a place :rolleyes:
Reply 7
Pfft :rolleyes:

Castle again showing why they're seen as the rah college - massive prices for their Summer Ball and stupid channels that you have to go through to even PAY these prices!!!

"If you are a first year and are going out with a third year but are friends with a second year and the second year is living abroad next year but you do a science degree and the third year also does a science degree and you're a member of the University Ski club and you walk at an average rate of 100 steps per minute whilst humming perfectly to the tune of 'Postman Pat' then you'll be 64th out of 1,344 places in line to get a ticket for the June ball. £100 please!"


Trevs -> about £40, EVERYONE in college can go (and invite guests!) and it's awesome. When will you rahs realise that it's not about getting the most expensive things possible, but about just creating the correct atmosphere?!....I'd hate to be at the June Ball with all your amazing entertainments but knowing that half of my friends are stuck at home because they didn't get a place :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Is all I have to say to that.
Reply 8
I quite liked Kevin's comment. And would rep him if I didn't have to spread my rep around a bit first:frown:

Ugh, red tape.

It just reminded of things I have said before.
Reply 9
Pfft :rolleyes:

Castle again showing why they're seen as the rah college - massive prices for their Summer Ball and stupid channels that you have to go through to even PAY these prices!!!

"If you are a first year and are going out with a third year but are friends with a second year and the second year is living abroad next year but you do a science degree and the third year also does a science degree and you're a member of the University Ski club and you walk at an average rate of 100 steps per minute whilst humming perfectly to the tune of 'Postman Pat' then you'll be 64th out of 1,344 places in line to get a ticket for the June ball. £100 please!"


Trevs -> about £40, EVERYONE in college can go (and invite guests!) and it's awesome. When will you rahs realise that it's not about getting the most expensive things possible, but about just creating the correct atmosphere?!....I'd hate to be at the June Ball with all your amazing entertainments but knowing that half of my friends are stuck at home because they didn't get a place :rolleyes:

It's true. Same at Collingwood, everyone can go and the fact that everyone is there together, eating, drinking, enjoying... themselves makes that really special atmosphere! The ents help a lot of course but they're only a part of it! Can't wait...!!
Reply 10
Yes there are complicated priority lists, but we have limited space, so its not really the colleges fault, its the same for a £20 ticket at ladies Night and other balls as well, it works out so that priority is mostly given in year groups so you'll generally be with people you know. Although this isn't going to make you think any better of it, June Ball does cost £50,000 and its 12 hours long, and the entertainment covers every room of the castle, so its not surprising the tickets are expensive. And from the pictures I've seen there's definitely a special atmosphere. Becca?
June Ball does cost £50,000

More than that...

Castle again showing why they're seen as the rah college - massive prices for their Summer Ball and stupid channels that you have to go through to even PAY these prices!!!

"If you are a first year and are going out with a third year but are friends with a second year and the second year is living abroad next year but you do a science degree and the third year also does a science degree and you're a member of the University Ski club and you walk at an average rate of 100 steps per minute whilst humming perfectly to the tune of 'Postman Pat' then you'll be 64th out of 1,344 places in line to get a ticket for the June ball. £100 please!"


Trevs -> about £40, EVERYONE in college can go (and invite guests!) and it's awesome. When will you rahs realise that it's not about getting the most expensive things possible, but about just creating the correct atmosphere?!....I'd hate to be at the June Ball with all your amazing entertainments but knowing that half of my friends are stuck at home because they didn't get a place

So, Kevin, how would you distribute 220 tickets between a theoretical maximum of 400 couples? (i.e. every castleman applies). As it goes, as a first year, all my friends who applied got tickets (and we were a MASSIVE year), and obviously all the third and fourth years got tickets too.
A bit of jealousy that you can't ever get a ticket to what is considered to be one of the top 5 nights out in all England methinks.
If you'd ever been, you'd realise that not only does it have amazing entertainment, but a really great atmosphere, and the monetary price of the ticket is nothing in comparison to the value of the experience.
Reply 12
Top 5 nights out in the whole of England, really? Wow. I didn't know that. :biggrin:

I heard a lot of 3rd years were taking non JCR members this year though, so hopefully I still get to go.
Last year there was a first year with a non-jcr member who got a ticket, and our year is huge. You'll get a ticket. You'd be extraordinarily unlucky not to.
Reply 14
More than that...

So, Kevin, how would you distribute 220 tickets between a theoretical maximum of 400 couples? (i.e. every castleman applies). As it goes, as a first year, all my friends who applied got tickets (and we were a MASSIVE year), and obviously all the third and fourth years got tickets too.
A bit of jealousy that you can't ever get a ticket to what is considered to be one of the top 5 nights out in all England methinks.
If you'd ever been, you'd realise that not only does it have amazing entertainment, but a really great atmosphere, and the monetary price of the ticket is nothing in comparison to the value of the experience.

Hmmmm, yes of course, because since some newspaper voted it to be one of the top 5 nights out in England then clearly it would appeal to me! :rolleyes: Trust me I can think of 5 events right now that I'd enjoy more than to pay £100+ to go to, simply because I'm not particularly well off and £100 would go a long way to entertaining me in other ways.

Don't get me wrong - I'm sure it's an amazing night, I just will always stand by the position that you can create just an amazing atmosphere for a lot cheaper than people think if you cut down on certain areas.
Reply 15
Yeah, and being all there together... What the hell?? With all the cretins and rugby players that you spend your time trying to avoid in college because they are testosterone overloads with nothing better to do than banter.

I would probably end up cracking skulls more than anything. I can have just as much fun on 15 pounds going to studio for 50p on a tuesday night and dancing the night away.
Reply 16
Yeah, and being all there together... What the hell?? With all the cretins and rugby players that you spend your time trying to avoid in college because they are testosterone overloads with nothing better to do than banter.

I would probably end up cracking skulls more than anything. I can have just as much fun on 15 pounds going to studio for 50p on a tuesday night and dancing the night away.

Ah now with this I disagree.

Sorry freshers, but until you experience a Summer Ball then you have no idea how much fun they are!!!! :biggrin:
Reply 17
*shakes fist*

I reckon Collingwood day will be just as good.
Reply 18
College days are really fun! :biggrin:
Reply 19
College days are really fun! :biggrin:

Oo what happens on college days??