The Student Room Group
Obviously not, otherwise they wouldnt have any viewers.
Eastenders is crap, Simple as that.
Reply 3
yeah it is crap but I watch it.
Reply 4
Eastenders is crap, Simple as that.

ok then?!? :rolleyes:

that still won't make me stop watching it - i find it funny :smile:

best moment recently:
Phil steps on Ben's toy plane!!!! - that look on Ben's face was classic :biggrin:
Reply 5
ok then?!? :rolleyes:

that still won't make me stop watching it - i find it funny :smile:

best moment recently:
Phil steps on Ben's toy plane!!!! - that look on Ben's face was classic :biggrin:

Surely that makes Ben's actor good? That goes against everything you and others say in the other thread.
Eastenders is crap, Simple as that.

Eastenders is crap, Simple as that.

i get bad rep for saying that but i totally agree:p: :p: :p:
I think Eastenders is great! It has loads of viewers so Im sure plenty of people disagree with you!
I wouldn't call it boring, but yes, the storylines are getting a bit drab. But come on admit it, when they're good they're good! :p:
Reply 10
Im not too keen on Eastenders at the moment. The storylines are rubbish and the characters have no depth. It seems as though all they're interested in doing is bringing new characters in whilst the ones that are already there dont seem to get decent storylines!

IMO, it just seems to go round in circles- like Little Mo- when is something good actually going to happen to her for a change? Surely one person can't possibly have that much bad luck?!

Johnny Allen was a great character until they turned him into a boring old man, he was the best thing that had happened to EE for a long time. Even the actor said so himself that EE had ruined his character, thats why he left.
i like it becuase its rubbish!

i love the way that you can murder someone, rape your sister, steal from a market stall...not get investigated by the police, and all the other characters will still stop and chat to you. So long as (this is very important) you move to the B+B from your regular home...for a spell of a few months.