The Student Room Group
Buy one of those fake ones? Cut your hair and glue it to your chin? Sorry lad, there's not much you can do but sit and wait. Maybe water it a bit too.
maybe try and shave on a daily/almost daily basis...i think doing this might make the hair on your face grow faster and/or more?!
theres nothing unmanly about not having a beard, if anyone comments just say youve got shaving down to a fine art and that they clearly havent then offer tips for a small price.
meh, chill. if thats your biggest worry then you must have quite a good life. No one really cares do they, so i dunno why it should "dent your confidence"
Reply 6
shaving more doesnt make hair grow faster. growth rate is determined by genetics, sorry
Reply 7
Is there anything I can do about this?

Rejoice in the fact that it doesn't cost you a bomb in Mach 3 blades, that you don't have to waste 10 minutes valuable sleeping time shaving every morning and that you don't have the appearance of a tramp if you miss shaving for just a day or two.

Plus Girls hate stubble rash...
facial hair is the very last stage of puberty, so at the age of 19 little beard growth is not much to worry about. no doubt in a few years you'll look back at your 'pre-beard' days and wonder why you were so anxious.

also, my bf has very smooth cheeks (he's almost 20) - they are great for kissing :love:
I can grow a beard and I'm only 17. But I con't grow a tache oddly enough... ^o) Don't worry about it. Like Spidey says, at least you don't have to bother shaving (neither do I like, but let's ignore that)
facial hair is the very last stage of puberty, so at the age of 19 little beard growth is not much to worry about. no doubt in a few years you'll look back at your 'pre-beard' days and wonder why you were so anxious.

also, my bf has very smooth cheeks (he's almost 20) - they are great for kissing :love:

No offence, but did that really require anon posting?
Reply 11
meh - at least you have an even amount i.e. none

the worstis having patchy... SERIOUSLY so annoying
Reply 12
I'm 19 and have very little beard growth. I'm not sure why because in every other measurable way I am quite manly and it really dents my confidence. Is there anything I can do about this?

dude you are just about the luckiest guy alive, my poor guy has a nightmare, cos he shaves in the morning and by the night or the next day I'm getting stubbles rash (his grows real quickly) if he doesn't shave regularly I get really sore and it hurts to kiss.
don't wish for a hairy fast growing face it's a right pain... smile

you are very lucky!!!

ps. (beards... not cool... not unless you are a grandpa, or santa!!! :biggrin: )
dude you are just about the luckiest guy alive, my poor guy has a nightmare, cos he shaves in the morning and by the night or the next day I'm getting stubbles rash (his grows real quickly) if he doesn't shave regularly I get really sore and it hurts to kiss.
don't wish for a hairy fast growing face it's a right pain... smile

you are very lucky!!!

ps. (beards... not cool... not unless you are a grandpa, or santa!!! :biggrin: )

Or a pirate. :cool:

But yeah, don't worry about not having a beard!! They scratch and are a right hassle. (I'm not speaking from personal experience here I'm a girl lol), that's just what I've heard from the little bearded folk round here. There's absolutely nothing 'unmanly' about it, and as far as I know most girls seem to prefer men without them.
Reply 14
believe me, when you can grow one later on you'll wish it hadn't started, shaving can be a right bitch

my housemate is nearly 20 and doesn't shave at all, plenty of peeps have this problem and I kinda envy you :smile:
I'm 19 and have very little beard growth. I'm not sure why because in every other measurable way I am quite manly and it really dents my confidence. Is there anything I can do about this?

I have that.. Im 19 and can juuuust about grow a goatie if I put my mind to it. But you know to be honest I see it as a god send. I have no ever intention of growing a beard so its just hassle I don't have to deal with. If I can live my life without having to shave more than twice a weak then I'll be a happy man.

I don't think it makes you (or me) any less of a man. Everything else is just fine so its no big deal. You should feel lucky! :biggrin:
Look on the bright side, at least you don't have the opposite problem. You could be a girl who's having a lot of trouble with a beard that just won't stop growing... :eek:
Dude, this is so bad.

This is really really bad.

I think you should seek a doctor.