The Student Room Group

strange 'thing' and nasty doctor

A really strange thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had been on the computer playing games for a while (yes I am sad) when I started to feel really strange and everything became surreal and the next thing I remember is waking up on the floor with a sore head and bruises. :frown:

Knowing something was wrong I went to my GP (who has always been mean and cant wait to get you out the door) all she said was: you were on the computer too long when you were tired.

Not sure if this is the case because I have been on the PC when I am exhausted and this has never happened before.

I was just wondering if this weird thing had happened to anyone else, or if its just strange old me? And do you think I should go back to the docs or just leave it.

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See if it happens again or you develop other symptoms before consulting the old GP again.
Reply 2
err try arranging an appointment with a different doctor.
were you tripping?
Reply 4
You just passed out! Ive done it a few times, sounds like a fainting episode if it happens again go back and see a different gp.
Reply 5
Some computer games can trigger epilepsy, so if it happens again do go back and see a different doctor!

It might just have been that you were tired or had low blood sugar levels or something, but if it happens again then it might be something more serious
Reply 6
A really strange thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had been on the computer playing games for a while (yes I am sad) when I started to feel really strange and everything became surreal and the next thing I remember is waking up on the floor with a sore head and bruises. :frown:

Obviously none of us can diagnose you on the internet. It might have been a fainting spell, or the surrealness you described might have been the aura before an epileptic fit, or it could be any one of a host of possibilities. It's pretty remiss of the GP not to investigate further, unless the description you gave him was very sketchy. If you can, you probably ought to speak to another, more sympathetic, doctor, simply to rule out any of the graver possibilities.
Reply 7
Sounds as if you might have had an epileptic fit, which can be triggered by

lack of sleep

computer screens


other things

Did you have a sore tounge (i.e. had you bitten down on it)?
Had you wet your trousers?
These things often happen during an epileptic fit and would point in that direction. I would NOT let it be and i would insist on having an EEG done.
Reply 8
Thanks for the replies.

This 'thing' happened again when I was watching tv so I am going to see the doctor again, this time I will try to make an appointment with a doctor who cares about their patients.

Hopefully it will just be something minor :smile:
Reply 9
Uups! That does sound quite like epileptic fits. Please go and see a doctor fast. You should not be driving at the moment - just think what could happen to you and others if "it" comes when you are driving through town or the motorway as it were. Or if you don't drive a car riding a bike can be very dangerous for you yourself. (Falling in front of a car etc.)
Reply 10

Did you have a sore tounge (i.e. had you bitten down on it)?
Had you wet your trousers?

I didnt have either of those. Just felt strange (only way to describe it)....anyway will know what it is soonish- when i make an appointment.

You should not be driving at the moment - just think what could happen to you and others if "it" comes when you are driving through town or the motorway as it were. Or if you don't drive a car riding a bike can be very dangerous for you yourself. (Falling in front of a car etc.)

I have only just turned 17, so have not learnt to drive yet, so dont pose a threat to anyone else, luckily.
was chuck norris on the server?
Reply 12
Sounds as if you might have had an epileptic fit, which can be triggered by

lack of sleep

computer screens


other things

Did you have a sore tounge (i.e. had you bitten down on it)?
Had you wet your trousers?
These things often happen during an epileptic fit and would point in that direction. I would NOT let it be and i would insist on having an EEG done.

Firstly, one event does not indicate Epilepsy. Secondly, computer screens only trigger Epilepsy in a small minority of people with Epilepsy, and it is unlikey the OP will just have developed this.

The best advice is for the OP to carry on with life and ee if it happen again.
hmmm if anon #1 was diagnosed with epilepsy, it's not exactly a minor problem anymore. Epilepsy does put limitations on your life. Having a seizure from looking at the TV is something that could trigger a seizure in a person. It's a life long un-curable disease.
Reply 14
was chuck norris on the server?

woo chuck norris joke:smile:
Reply 15
Once I jumped out of bed so fast, literally I just hopped out from under the covers, and suddenly became very dizzy and woke up on the floor with my parents shouting up asking what was the noise. Never had fainted before, and never have since, so I think that was triggered by simply jumping out of bed way too fast. How this relates to fainting while playing games I do not know.
A really strange thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had been on the computer playing games for a while (yes I am sad) when I started to feel really strange and everything became surreal and the next thing I remember is waking up on the floor with a sore head and bruises. :frown:

Knowing something was wrong I went to my GP (who has always been mean and cant wait to get you out the door) all she said was: you were on the computer too long when you were tired.

Not sure if this is the case because I have been on the PC when I am exhausted and this has never happened before.

I was just wondering if this weird thing had happened to anyone else, or if its just strange old me? And do you think I should go back to the docs or just leave it.

Switch GP. As long as it's in the same surgery there will be no hassle at all.
Reply 17
Firstly, one event does not indicate Epilepsy. Secondly, computer screens only trigger Epilepsy in a small minority of people with Epilepsy, and it is unlikey the OP will just have developed this.

The best advice is for the OP to carry on with life and ee if it happen again.

I disagree. Any kind of "weird occurence" should be checked. And actually quite a lot of epilepsy is visually triggered. That is one of the things they do to you whilst on an EEG to see if something changes. It does "develop" suddenly.
Of course there are other reasons (as stated by me). One could be that a person is an alcoholic and has not drunk enough. These people get seizures as well - alcohol withdrawal seizures. But I do not think this is the issue here! I am not going into all the other possibilities because that is sheer speculation as long as it is not even clear what "it" is.

As I said if it happens when you are not sitting down there is a possibility of seriously hurting yourself.
If it turns out to be nothing serious then that is fine as well, but it ought to be checked.
And: it has already occured a second time...which makes it even more likely to be "something" (not neccessarily "bad").
Reply 18
hmmm if anon #1 was diagnosed with epilepsy, it's not exactly a minor problem anymore. Epilepsy does put limitations on your life. Having a seizure from looking at the TV is something that could trigger a seizure in a person. It's a life long un-curable disease.

But it can be kept at bay with the correct medicine. That can only be given to you though if you go and get it diagnosed. It is more dangerous to sit around waiting for it to happen again.
Reply 19
Sounds as if you might have had an epileptic fit, which can be triggered by

lack of sleep

computer screens


other things

Did you have a sore tounge (i.e. had you bitten down on it)?
Had you wet your trousers?
These things often happen during an epileptic fit and would point in that direction. I would NOT let it be and i would insist on having an EEG done.

One solitary fit, and you're calling it epileptic... tut tut :wink: