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make sure his 1st is his last:wink:
Reply 2
Meh, all gotta start somewhere right? I wouldn't find it a problem.
Reply 3
Well being a male obviously I wouldn't ask out a bloke...

But if it was a girl I wouldn't really care
Reply 4
I think its also sweet :smile:
I'd make sure I'd give him the most memorable kiss of his life. My first, although lovely, is a bit of a blurred memory!

Hehe, I honestly wouldn't be bothered. At least that way, you'd be able to train him to your liking! :biggrin:
I think its also sweet :smile:

Even if he was say 20?
Reply 7
For me personally, I guess it would depend on their age... if they were young (teens - early 20's) then yeah fair enough, opportunity hasn't arisen or whatever. But mid-late 20's i'd begin to wonder why they hadn't. Of course though, everyone takes things at their own pace and so long as they use their own initiative after a while, it's always kinda fun to be the teacher
Reply 8
your son was at home, crying all alone of the bedroom floor cos he's hungry, and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money....
lol I was my ex's first real girlfriend cos his previous two were just random girls who kept trying to hold his hand and he jumped away and yelled at them. :P he'd been kissed before though...but hey, I wasn't bothered cos then at least he'd know what to do and teach me. :P
Seriously, the age doesn't matter... there could be a million reasons why it hasn't happened!

The fact that there is someone who you want to kiss who wants to kiss you back is a great thing at all that will matter at the time :cool:

p.s. are you the girl or the guy in this scenario?
I can't see the problem... it's probably just that the right person has never come along, or at least, not at the right time.
Reply 12
dump him. it's not worth the time and effort to teach him what to do..
Reply 13
your son was at home, crying all alone of the bedroom floor cos he's hungry, and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money....

WTF, isn't that the gist of a Black-eyed Peas song?
No it's an actual song......

City High from ages ago, it was good tune actually :smile:

Whatever happened to them? Just disappeared....

lalallalalalalalalla and for me this is what i call life mmmmmmm
WTF, isn't that the gist of a Black-eyed Peas song?

I believe that was actually City High

EDIT: damn beaten to it
your son was at home, crying all alone of the bedroom floor cos he's hungry, and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money....

I thought of that too. :smile:
dump him. it's not worth the time and effort to teach him what to do..

I beg to differ, BIGTIME! My first R was a wonderful LTR, started with a chance kiss. I wasn't the one taking the chance - she was 24.
Ron Stoppable
My first R was a wonderful LTR, started with a chance kiss.

^ the OP asks: "what would you do if you found out that a guy you were considering asking out has never had a gf or even kissed anyone before?"

Think about it, Miss ???