The Student Room Group
If you can get into both then the choice should be obvious. No offence to Westminster but you'll be much better off with a degree from Goldsmiths once you start looking a job. Where you go to uni shouldnt be a factor when employers look at your CV if you get a good grade, but unfortunately it does. Lewisham/New Cross is not the best area of London but in the long term you will be better off going to Goldsmiths. The choice is your though.
Reply 2
Not sure I'd agree. Westminster has a brilliant reputation for media... one of the best in the country so I believe.

Then again Goldsmiths is UOL, so perhaps better "overall" reputation.

In terms of location... I think your course at Westminster is based at the Harrow Campus? which is very modern and "leafy" but quite far out from Central London. Goldsmiths is closer to the centre and much less suburbia like. I suppose they're too completely different atmospheres... depends what you prefer I guess.

I suppose it depends on your priorities, but personally I wouldn't worry too much about reputation. Obviously it counts for something, but much better to go somewhere where you'll be happy. I have to say I've found that people on this board are much more "snobby" about unis than anyone else I've ever met.

If you've visited both, which did you prefer? What facilities were better? What were the staff like?

Ask yourself those questions, and I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

I'd also take peoples comments about location with a pinch of salt. People say Goldsmiths is a dodgy area, but I can think of places where people have said similar things to me and then I've visited and come away with a completely different opinion.

Hope that helps a bit :smile:
Reply 3
hi. i'm also thinking about goldsmith's. i have to admit that the first time i went there i thought it wasn't a v.nice area, but i went to a general open day after that and the students were all so friendly and more importantly HAPPY that i think i'm going to put it as my first choice. it isn't the most picturesque place but u can't have it all!

good luck with whateva u decide :smile:
I thought location of goldsmiths was a bit dodgey, but I think westminster is actually really good for media as its one of the arts and they're good at that)
Reply 5
What are your concerns with the location of Goldsmiths just outta interest..

I just didn't really feel too safe when I went there for my audition, not the campus itself, but the area surrounding it
lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me about it!!!!!! I swore I was gonna get shot or something walking around smartly dressed with an instrument case!
I think Goldsmiths. I wouldnt worry too much about the location ; for instance, I go to school in a "dodgey" area and I've never had any problems, so it's all subjective..! If you go there you have access to the UoL libraries and stuff as well as getting a more respected degree..!
Reply 10
The area isn't that bad. I've been there many times and never had any trouble from anyone, even late at night. Infact the people there seem to be very happy and enjoy life. It's London though, you have to accept that. Just use common sense like you would in any big city and you'll be fine.

I know 2 people that go to Goldsmiths and they love it, it's a very liberal and open university and a great name to be associated with too, not to mention the UOL affiliation. Westminster is also very good for media though, but in general i'd choose Goldsmiths.
Reply 11
Westminster does have the reputation as the best media course in the country. So I'd recommend that. What aspect of media are you studying?