The Student Room Group

Tired and breathless....

Every so often I go really weird where I just feel really dizzy and then start sweating. The only thing I can do is lie down to get rid of it but it normally takes a few minutes. It has been doing it for about 5 years but is getting more frequent (about every 2-3 days) and it is sometimes at college too which (because i cant usually shake it off if im not lying down) I go shaky and cant write properly for the rest of the lesson but I dont want to leave the lesson.
As this happens every 2-3 days just for a bit its ok, but its the tiredness and breathlessness I am getting worried with, it often feels like I cant breathe enough even though i could be sat down.
Does this sound weird to any of you or is it just normal and is just something stupidly common?
Reply 1
I should go to a doctor's and tell them about it. They can do all sorts of tests: listening to your heart, ECG, blood tests, listening to your lungs, taking blood pressure.
There are so many (more or less harmless) possible reasons for what you are decribing that nobody could tell you what it is via internet.
But in my opinion it is not "normal" and should be looked into.
Reply 2
I agree. See a doctor.. that doesnt sound too good.
Reply 3
None of those things you described are good things. It could be nothing, but you should definatly go to the doctor and get it checked out. No one here is a medical professional, we can only advise, and all the advice your'e gonna get here is see a doctor :p: Good luck :smile: Im sure they will reassure you :smile:
Reply 4
Definitely go to the doctors about it. It might not be anything serious but just get some reassurance from your doc.

I get tired and dizzy too as you described but it never really bugged me. The breathlessness is usually accompanied by random erratic heartrate which affects my breathing. Although i usually bat away these symptoms....hmm...