The Student Room Group

Upset over something silly..

ok so i have a profile on a well know website and when bored i use the forums and join in some random games, the other day i played a game where you comment on wether you find the person before you attractive or not. Now i dont consider myself to be amazingly beautiful or anything but i think i am ok look, pretty young for my age and the word alot of people use to describe me is "cute". Anyways it just so happened that after i commented a girl was after me and she said i was without a doubt the ugiliest person in the place that i live :eek: this upset and annoyed me seeing as i looked at her profile and dont consider her to be good looking at all:mad: , i know its really stupid- but its really got me down and i cant stop thinking about it, i also know that yes i did join in the stupid game and therefore should have expected critism but i just found her comment so nasty and horrible- its been a real knock to my confidence, not that i had much before :frown:

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Reply 1
Hah! that is just soo horrid and inconsiderate of her! maybe shes big headed and think shes amazingly good looking or whatever! Don't let it get to you ok? ITs just a childish game and it turns out she's childish too! (maybe jealous too?:rolleyes: )

WE're girls...of course we love compliments! we may say to ourselves or others "aaah im not THAT good looking" but we'd still like to have nice compliments and need reassurance!:p:
Reply 2
Do what I do-join in with things like that but dont have a picture.
Reply 3
She sounds insecure and jealous to me, imo.
Reply 4
Just ignore her. She was probably suffering from anal fissures and wanted to take it out on someone.
Reply 5
Or maybe she didnt find you attractive and was honest. Whats the big deal?
Reply 6
Or maybe she didnt find you attractive and was honest. Whats the big deal?

well maybe your not as sensitive but i am sure you would be hurt if someone called you the ugiliest person in a place
i would just ignor her, at the end of the day, you got good comments as-well. she woz most likely just insecure and wanted some one to take it out on.
Reply 8
yeah I probably would be a bit, and I'm sorry you feel like that. Thats not what I am saying. I just dont think you can put people having harsh opinions down to them being 'insecure' jealousy or 'anal fissures'. Maybe she just didnt think you were attractive. Why does everyone have to slate her for it? Just because some people opt not to use tact, does not mean they have a psychological issue.
Reply 9
The ugliest person compared to who
It's all relative.
yeah I probably would be a bit, and I'm sorry you feel like that. Thats not what I am saying. I just dont think you can put people having harsh opinions down to them being 'insecure' jealousy or 'anal fissures'. Maybe she just didnt think you were attractive. Why does everyone have to slate her for it? Just because some people opt not to use tact, does not mean they have a psychological issue.

There's a difference between being tactless and being intentionally cruel. I'm not exactly the Queen of Tact but I wouldn't randomly describe someone as "the ugliest person in the place."
Kids and their games. Just deal with it. Tell yourself you're 'the ****'. If you don't believe in [you're attractiveness] yourself then who will?

I'm not saying become arrogant, just know your place and believe in your good points. You may not be a supermodel. There are people out there who are physically offensive, and stir vomit and convulsing. But they have their good points.

I'm a stud myself :smile: I used to get called ugly though, by even uglier lads lol. They were insecure and angry because I always got the girl. I still do, but I don't hang about with those people.
Reply 12
Well I think you should try and take what she said with a pinch of salt. The internet can provide some people who have their own problems to pass them on to others, without the guilt that would usually be associated with doing it to someone they know in "real" life. Whilst it is possible that she meant it, I suspect from the harsh wording of the comment it was most likely a deliberate insult to hurt and annoy you. You say yourself that you know you're not ugly, so why let some forum user bring your confidence down. Also, I'd suggest that you learn your lesson and as a sensitive person, don't play games that have the potential to turn nasty. Hope this helped :smile:
ok so i have a profile on a well know website and when bored i use the forums and join in some random games, the other day i played a game where you comment on wether you find the person before you attractive or not. Now i dont consider myself to be amazingly beautiful or anything but i think i am ok look, pretty young for my age and the word alot of people use to describe me is "cute". Anyways it just so happened that after i commented a girl was after me and she said i was without a doubt the ugiliest person in the place that i live :eek: this upset and annoyed me seeing as i looked at her profile and dont consider her to be good looking at all:mad: , i know its really stupid- but its really got me down and i cant stop thinking about it, i also know that yes i did join in the stupid game and therefore should have expected critism but i just found her comment so nasty and horrible- its been a real knock to my confidence, not that i had much before :frown:

shes only knocking your confidence, because she thinks it will build hers and make her a little more confident within herself. Unfortunately for her, it doesn't work that way and that she is seen as not a pretty picture.
Reply 14
There's a difference between being tactless and being intentionally cruel. I'm not exactly the Queen of Tact but I wouldn't randomly describe someone as "the ugliest person in the place."

Being intentionally cruel still doesnt mean she is 'insecure' or has some other psychological issue. I know people who have made worse comments than that, who are actually really nice normal people.
Just ignore her. She was probably suffering from anal fissures and wanted to take it out on someone.

Id say youre an 8 or a 9 personally.
I just dont think you can put people having harsh opinions down to them being 'insecure' jealousy or 'anal fissures'.

Anal fissure thing was a joke :cool:
yeah I probably would be a bit, and I'm sorry you feel like that. Thats not what I am saying. I just dont think you can put people having harsh opinions down to them being 'insecure' jealousy or 'anal fissures'. Maybe she just didnt think you were attractive. Why does everyone have to slate her for it? Just because some people opt not to use tact, does not mean they have a psychological issue.

i agree.

its some random person on the internet!!
not everyone has the same definition of good looking. its her opinion, shes allowed to have it.
i think brad pitt isnt good looking :p:
dont let it get you down! you said most people describe you as "cute" why care about what 1 single person thinks?
Reply 19
if she said it as an intentionally vicious comment(I say if) then she probably wanted to bring u down, upset u, and not meaning to seem harsh or anything, but fretting and worrying like this is doing just that.

I mean she could have said it, no offence, because on her scale of goodlooking, u werent that high, just like she wasnt on yours. if we all thought the same ppl were good looking the world would be a pretty dull place.