The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Yeah, there's at least one other person - i think Octavius85 - with a place there. He should post here soon since he's one of the more active ones.
Reply 3
knogle what residence hav u been accepted to?
Reply 4
knogle what residence hav u been accepted to?

I'll only be applying next year in January. So I'm waiting for the lot of you to report back with your experiences this year. :biggrin:

Looks like it's gonna be Bankside and Rosebury though.

And probably International/Commonwealth for my UoL options.
Reply 5
cough HH gogo yes.
Reply 6
Maybe that. :p:

Bankside just seems so perfect, aside from the distance from school. :smile:

High chances of a single room, self-catered with the option of pay-as-you-eat meals, large (meaning easy to socialise and find people at your frequency), etc.
Reply 7
Maybe that. :p:

Bankside just seems so perfect, aside from the distance from school. :smile:

High chances of a single room, self-catered with the option of pay-as-you-eat meals, large (meaning easy to socialise and find people at your frequency), etc.

its way too far away trust :wink:

Yeah, it was quite a tossupfor me, but all my mates in all the years said HH was way to go.
Reply 8
is HH that good?
Reply 9
Well in all honesty I know no one at HH. The one friend I have who recently visited London actually made a trip down to HH.. and he came back with nothing but criticism. :p:
Reply 10
It has nothing to do with Northumberland house but how many peoplehave been given accomodation at HH?
hi has ne1 else been accepted 2 northumberland house?

does any1 know when we move in cos its under construction or sumthing like that...does that mean we have 2 move in late? ...ne1 else seen these pictures? i have to say bankside looks quite nice and modern while northumberland looks so old and posh, but hopefully it will be nice

posh and old and above all CLOSE to the school sounds good enough to me. I spoke with the accomodation office today and you can only sign for a provisional acceptance. They ll send us an email when the Acceptance form is available.
Reply 12
posh and old and above all CLOSE to the school sounds good enough to me. I spoke with the accomodation office today and you can only sign for a provisional acceptance. They ll send us an email when the Acceptance form is available.

Is this Acceptance Form only for Northumberland House? Because I've already filled in one for Bankside House. :smile:
Reply 13
Is this Acceptance Form only for Northumberland House? Because I've already filled in one for Bankside House. :smile:

I seem to remember filling some form in, and sending in a deposit:p::rolleyes:
I seem to remember filling some form in, and sending in a deposit:p::rolleyes:

The problem concerns Northlumberland House only.
Reply 15
The problem concerns Northlumberland House only.

Thank you. :smile:
Reply 16
Well in all honesty I know no one at HH. The one friend I have who recently visited London actually made a trip down to HH.. and he came back with nothing but criticism. :p:

i've been there countless times, the bar is good, location is good, rooms are small but ok, showers n stuff is ok, the kitchen i saw was a dump (one of the 3 or so floors which hadnt had a new kitchen - its gettin done this year i think)

all in all its ok, i know loads of people there and a few at bankside.

I received a provision offer for Northumberland House too. It was my first choice. I like that the room will be brand new, en suite and 10 mins from LSE. If all goes well, I will be moving in 1 Sep 2006. :smile: I read that it used to be Victoria Hotel before the World Wars before Ministry of Defence took over the building and used it for accomodation for staff during the World Wars. Before LSE bought over, NH was MOD office.
Gogo Yubari
I received a provision offer for Northumberland House too. It was my first choice. I like that the room will be brand new, en suite and 10 mins from LSE. If all goes well, I will be moving in 1 Sep 2006. :smile: I read that it used to be Victoria Hotel before the World Wars before Ministry of Defence took over the building and used it for accomodation for staff during the World Wars. Before LSE bought over, NH was MOD office.

Sure looks cool. Btw, are u a postgrad and if so which course?
Sure looks cool. Btw, are u a postgrad and if so which course?

Yep, you guessed right. MSc in Fin & Econs. How about yourself? :smile: