The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Does anyone know where I can get information about these ? All the institutions that I have applied to seem to be a little grey with the information. I just want to know what the normal content would be for the maths one I know its a 2 hour exam but, that means it could include the whole Maths Gcse content ?? Aaaarrrggg ! Any websites or info greatly appreciated xxx

Why would anyone wanna put themselves through Maths GCSE?
Reply 2
pleaseeeeeeeeeeee I want to teach but, I have taken my maths Gcse 4 times and each time I have had problems ??
Reply 3
Does anyone know where I can get information about these ? All the institutions that I have applied to seem to be a little grey with the information. I just want to know what the normal content would be for the maths one I know its a 2 hour exam but, that means it could include the whole Maths Gcse content ?? Aaaarrrggg ! Any websites or info greatly appreciated xxx

I think by equivalent they the Scottish equivalent (for example). You don't necessarily have to have done GCSE's, but you have to have some form of standard qualification generally undertaken at 16.
Reply 4
The only equivalent to a GCSE in maths in England is a GCSE in maths.
I'm affraid there's no short-cut or 'easy' way around it, you're just gonna have to brush-up on your maths, and get through it.
Reply 5
Does anyone know where I can get information about these ? All the institutions that I have applied to seem to be a little grey with the information. I just want to know what the normal content would be for the maths one I know its a 2 hour exam but, that means it could include the whole Maths Gcse content ?? Aaaarrrggg ! Any websites or info greatly appreciated xxx

Hi Artysmarty,
I am doing MU120 with the Open University. It is accepted as equivalent to GCSE Maths for the purpose of the entrance requirements for the PGCE. You will be glad to know it is continuous assessment, so there is no exam at the end of it! However, it does demand about 5 to 7 hours study a week, and there is a project which takes the place of an exam, so it is not a soft option. If you contact the Open University at and search on MU120 you can get info. You have just missed the intake for this year, but you can register for next January if that is not too far off. Do check it out in case they are now offering other start dates. Best of luck.