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Reply 1
Its not good looking people that get all that, its confident people. And if ugly people dont obtain all that success...then thats on can get ahead in this world and not be the most attractive person
Reply 2
I always get the feeling that if a person is good looking, they seem to have a better chance in life. They make friends more easily, they get jobs more easily, they get married more easily. It's a sad reflection on how superficial our society has become.

Yeah i was wondering that too, but it all depends really on the persons personality. If thier personality is just showing on the outside it does not always make them a good person. Infact, no one if ugly everyone is themselfs and it shouldn't really matter on how they look to get a job.

It's indeed a sad reflection on how superfical our socitey has become, i agree. In the ideal world it should not matter the way you look like the most important thing is personality.
Reply 3
Its not good looking people that get all that, its confident people. And if ugly people dont obtain all that success...then thats on can get ahead in this world and not be the most attractive person

yes confidence is definitely a must. and one must know how to carry himself and how to react positively in diffucult situations. good looks must be paired with a good heart. being beautiful both inside and out is really important.
I always get the feeling that if a person is good looking, they seem to have a better chance in life. They make friends more easily, they get jobs more easily, they get married more easily. It's a sad reflection on how superficial our society has become.

Yes they do have it easier :rolleyes: Maybe its just the cynic in me. But after the looks fade over the years then what have they got left to fall back on? Whereas the less attractive person will have a great personality and the like. The good looking person may have relied on their looks to get through life. However, one persons "frog" is another persons "princess" (bad analogy i know):redface:
Reply 5
Yes they do.........lucky bastards
confidence is the main thing and can overcome the whole "uglynes" thing. A confident person gets ahead a quiet person sitting in a corner stays in a corner.

its not a case of being good looking but only a fool would deny it helps
Reply 7
I always get the feeling that if a person is good looking, they seem to have a better chance in life. They make friends more easily, they get jobs more easily, they get married more easily. It's a sad reflection on how superficial our society has become.

No, just look at all the healthy, fulfilled, HAPPY people in our society, they're not all attractive. Celebrities and those types that make people feel that it is neccesary to be attractive are in quite a lot of situations lonely and isolated, it is possible that they intimidate people. Being attractive won't help someone who's upset, won't help in an emergency, it doesn't make you smarter or a better person. As for getting a job and making friends etc would you prefer to know that you have great friends or a fantastic job because you are a lovely person with a great personality, or because you're attractive?! :biggrin: xxx
Reply 8
Yes, yes i do.
Reply 9
I always get the feeling that if a person is good looking, they seem to have a better chance in life. They make friends more easily, they get jobs more easily, they get married more easily. It's a sad reflection on how superficial our society has become.

Yes, but why is superficiality a bad thing. (I am not attractive btw-don't want all the ugly people bombarding me with 'its alright for you')
Yes it has been proven that the better looking you are the more likely you are to be successful in the work-place. You are more likely to get a job through interview and more likely to be promoted. You also earn more on average. Of course these may be more related to confidence as already mentioned.
Reply 11
No, just look at all the healthy, fulfilled, HAPPY people in our society, they're not all attractive. Celebrities and those types that make people feel that it is neccesary to be attractive are in quite a lot of situations lonely and isolated, it is possible that they intimidate people. Being attractive won't help someone who's upset, won't help in an emergency, it doesn't make you smarter or a better person. As for getting a job and making friends etc would you prefer to know that you have great friends or a fantastic job because you are a lovely person with a great personality, or because you're attractive?! :biggrin: xxx

Like who? Most of the ones I know complain about being ugly. They go on fat camp, have plastic surgary, assume attractive ones are less intelligent, or make a living out of taking the micky out of their own ugliness.
I always get the feeling that if a person is good looking, they seem to have a better chance in life. They make friends more easily, they get jobs more easily, they get married more easily. It's a sad reflection on how superficial our society has become.

Hell YES they do! I suppose good looking people have stuff that goes on in their life just like everyone else- illness, family probs etc
As long as they don't have a particularly offensive personality then looks are totally a benefit in most areas of life.
Only time I can think good looks might be a hinderance is if you look like barbie + people assume you are a stupid bimbo, or people are just jealous of you.
However- I'd swap any day!
Reply 13
Actually there is a lot of evidence to show that attractiveness plays a part in those aspects of life too.
Reply 14
Maybe they get by easier but the stuck up ones have a worse over all life imo.
Reply 15
I personally think people will allways discriminate based on appearance, as well as ability.

If i had somebody coming forward for a job, i would consider their academic and professional achievements very closely. But if someone is well dressed, charismatic, good looking etc without being arrogrant then they will be a better person to work with. You are more likely to succeed if you work with winners and people who are successfull themselves.

Survival of the fittest would be another way to look at it.

What IS bad, is when people judge you solely on your appearance. I would never do that, but you can't deny appearance makes a big difference.

I personally think looking tidy, confident, clean are the biggest things. More than physical beauty.

If someone comes up to you looking a mess, avoiding eye contact, speaking poorly. Then this appearance is very bad. even if there personality is gold, you would never know untill they can express it properly.
Yep, I'd have to agree they do. But its only one factor, and can be made up for.
Reply 17
however a person looks and the impression they give, if you take a look inside them, they probably just the same as everyone else
Reply 18
A good personality will be the winner in the long run.

Yeah, good looking may get you get you a job, get married easier... but in the end it's the relationship wth others that counts. There's no use being an angel outside but a devil inside.

However, good look always attracts some attention, that' the fact. :smile:
Reply 19
I reckon good looking people definitely have it easier. First impressions count, and if you look good people will pay more attention.