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Advantages & Benefits Of Going To University


I'm a first year student and am studying a computer related course at reputable university.

Thing is, other than being in 27K debt, what are the advantages of spending 4 years at uni?

What are the benefits?

Can university change your life?
Reply 1
Meeting new people that could potentially become life long friends. Experiencing different cultures, opinions and life in general.
taking responsible and making your own decisions and some mistakes along the way. Being able to build self confidence and know that you can only rely on yourself to make things happen.

i am pretty sure that you would get a job, it just a place that kinda prepares you for the real world as well as not restricting your freedom to do as you want.:smile:
Reply 2
Advantages -
* A qualification at the end of it which will hopefully help you get a decent job.
* Possible to make lots of new friends.
* Possible to make professional connections too (loads of people I know from uni are running business or have jobs in high places).
* A chance to experience a bit of independence.

Disadvantages -
* The debt, obviously (although I personally don't think it's a particularly big deal considering the terms of repayment).
* It's 4 years you could be earning money instead, working your way up in a career.
* It's all for nothing if you decide you actually want to go into a career that isn't relevant to your degree, or that you did a degree in something with poor job prospects.

I think the last disadvantage is the one that affects people the most.
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.
Original post by eric buttler
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.
Original post by eric buttler
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.

Nursing, physio, OT, dietetics, radiography, ODP. Good degrees, good prospects.

Don't chat crap.

Posted from TSR Mobile
First: that £27k probably isn't getting paid off before it expires, doesn't screw up your credit rating, and is only paid back ludicrously slowly depending on how much you earn. In effect, it's not a debt, it's a graduate tax in disguise, with a lifetime cap (with maintenance loans) of something like £45k. Looking at this graph, assuming you pick an economically valuable degree and do reasonably well, it's (extremely roughly) +£12k/year of earnings on average, while you lose three years of earnings (so the base "cost" is effectively £76k), and you are in profit (even counting the debt) within ~10 years of graduation. So financially, yes, it's absolutely worth it, assuming the above.
Original post by eric buttler
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.

Really? Not even maths? Have you also perhaps considered that not everyone is interested in the courses you've mentioned...
Original post by eric buttler
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.


Perhaps someone should teach you to start sentences with a capital letter.
(edited 8 years ago)
Original post by eric buttler
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.


For those who can't be bothered to dig the data out: The numbers are net lifetime benefit for males / females:

Medicine/dentistry: 403k/340k
Law: 215k/108k
Architecture/planning: 170k/80k
Vetinary: 165k/128k
Engineering: 157k/99k
Maths/CS: 152k/122k
Medicine-allied: 139k/157k
Business/admin: 130k/100k
Social studies: 124k/74k
Physical/environmental: 108k/76k
Education: 90k/142k
Biology: 77k/54k
Non-Euro Lang/Lit: 67k/23k
Euro Lang/Lit: 66k/57k
Tech: 64k/61k
Agriculture: 59k/51k
Linguistics/classics: 39k/59k
Mass communication: 5k/33k
History/philosophy: 1k/42k
Creative arts/design:-15k/27k

TL;DR: Unless you are both male and studying a creative arts degree, your net value from doing a degree is positive. Note in particular that His top 4 are very much not the top four, and that the majority of degrees actually give greater benefits to males.
Original post by eric buttler
the governments own figure show that unless the course is Law/Medicine/Physics/languages then you WILL be no better off. If you take a media/fashion/graphics course you will be net WORSE off, especially if you are male. anything other than the obvious Law/Medicine/Physics/Language - get out and do it yourself - remember who is teaching you, and remember those who can, do, those who can't, teach.

Physics? Languages? They aren't that useful as degrees. Maths and engineering are more useful. I hope you're trolling- all degrees are worth it to an extent since they give you access to better jobs.
Original post by Trapz99
Physics? Languages? They aren't that useful as degrees. Maths and engineering are more useful. I hope you're trolling- all degrees are worth it to an extent since they give you access to better jobs.

They opened an account specifically to dig up a 3 year old thread and harp on about how most degrees are useless.

No doubt whatsoever that they're a troll.
Reply 12

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