The Student Room Group

BTEC Sports Studies

I'm just reaching the end of my first year of college studying English Language, Media Studies, ICT and General Studies. At the end of this year i am DEFINITELY dropping ICT, no doubt about it ...

Anyway, next year I'm thinking about starting up a BTEC Sports Studies course, as our college does not offer the a/s level. The Sports Studies is not a must for my university course i hope to attend (Sports Development & Media Studies Combined) but it would be very helpful. I did Sports Studies at GCSE and gained an A.

Is this a wise move? It's basically my strongest subject along with English, but do I have to stay on for another year if i do the BTEC or can i just do it for 1 year and gain a few modules from the course?

Cheers in advance
Reply 1
If you just do it for a year you will get a Btec Certificate, I think its worth 1 A Level.
Reply 2
A BTEC national certificate is worth (the equivelant) to 2 A levels.
Ive just finished doing a BTEC in sports and exercise science, it is well worth it, especially good if u hate exams!! a certificate consists of 18units,and includes alot of detailed work, but its just the same work load as u wud expect say u were doing a exam marked subject!
good luck!
Reply 3
sorry my mistake, a certificate is 12units, a BTEC national diploma is 18units, which is a three year course.
Reply 4
hey i did btec in sport and fitness and devlopment,

did it for 2 years! easiest thing i ever did in my life, barley had 2 go, and i got distinction is all the million assignments they gave me,

giving me an easier to A's ready for uni!

only thing is u gota do the assignments which is alot of cwk~!

but i couldnt have picked anything better!!!
Reply 5
sorry for got 2 mention,

mine worked thaat if you do it for one year u have 2 pass all 6 units, and you get either distinction,merit or pass = 1 a level, either a,c,e

or in the 2 years, you have your first 6 units from first years, the iva which is 2 of these units double their points, then you have a further 6 units, if u just merely miss merit say in first yr,u canwork a little harder and bring it up the next yr.
If you do a btec sports and excercise for 2 years then you get equivilant too three a levels and a distinction in it gives you 360 points whihc could work out higher then a levels!
Reply 7
Original post by Jen2327
hey i did btec in sport and fitness and devlopment,

did it for 2 years! easiest thing i ever did in my life, barley had 2 go, and i got distinction is all the million assignments they gave me,

giving me an easier to A's ready for uni!

only thing is u gota do the assignments which is alot of cwk~!

but i couldnt have picked anything better!!!

Hey just wondering is this the level 3 course?? if it is could you tell me if you do exams?? xx
Reply 8
Hi, pls can you help me as i am doing btec sports and would like to get good grades. Do you have any of your course work that you can share with me and pointers in the right direction. I really want to excel
many thanks

Original post by caramara
A BTEC national certificate is worth (the equivelant) to 2 A levels.
Ive just finished doing a BTEC in sports and exercise science, it is well worth it, especially good if u hate exams!! a certificate consists of 18units,and includes alot of detailed work, but its just the same work load as u wud expect say u were doing a exam marked subject!
good luck!
Reply 9
The grades are easy to get, the coursework is just very long.