The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Talk about how it is not entirely realistic? The disadvantages of pluralism would be the advantages of elitism and vice-versa. Mention how the involvement of money in the political system undermines it. Pluralism relies on pressure groups, I think, so you could talk about how pg's are not comprehensive, how few people get involved with pg's etc. Give examples of how ordinary people are isolated from the political process, often not consulted by government, don't even bother to vote at elections, stuff like that?
Reply 2
cheers, excellent suggestions
Reply 3
You could look at how practical it is - e.g. it could lead to disputes etc.

But pluralism will also mean that a greater variety of views are represented, and also the government should be more representative of its electorate

Edit: Thought of another disadvantage - it means that extremists are represented and have some power. Think BNP etc. in the UK
Reply 4
SOMEONE please help me! quote me for this question and help!
Reply 5
Reply 6
Negatives;X If God is truly onmnibenevolent and wants the salvation of the whole world why would he create a criteria of salvation which is only open to some? It seems particularly cruel of God to send to hell pious, morally upright people who lived before Jesus.X If God is truly infinite and eternal then surely no one can understand him and no one religion can claim complete access to the truth.X D'Costa makes the point that exclusivism ignores the idea of the Trinity. To say that God can only be known through Jesus is binatarian because it ignores the role of the Trinity.