The Student Room Group

Tesco Interview

Hey guys,

got an interview for tesco on tuesday, just wandering what to wear? im not too hot on going too smart, my last interview not at tesco i went in black shoes and black trousers and a t shirt, it looked quite smart but relaxed.
Also, anyone got a few common questions they are likely to ask me?

they better have listened to the hours im applying for, or else wont b happy

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Reply 1
Hey guys,

got an interview for tesco on tuesday, just wandering what to wear? im not too hot on going too smart, my last interview not at tesco i went in black shoes and black trousers and a t shirt, it looked quite smart but relaxed.
Also, anyone got a few common questions they are likely to ask me?

they better have listened to the hours im applying for, or else wont b happy

i went for my interview at tesco and went wearing black trousers, casual/smart slip-on shoe kinda thing and a casual jumper. not too smart 'i tried too hard' but not too slack either. one guy i saw went in in really casual clothes and took his parents to the interview.. needless to say he did not get the job! good luck x
Reply 2
Hey guys,

got an interview for tesco on tuesday, just wandering what to wear? im not too hot on going too smart, my last interview not at tesco i went in black shoes and black trousers and a t shirt, it looked quite smart but relaxed.
Also, anyone got a few common questions they are likely to ask me?

they better have listened to the hours im applying for, or else wont b happy

Tesco stick to quite a rigid set of standard interview question which you answers are they marked against. Eg. Tell me about the last time you helped someone?, What is your motivation for the job?

Its the same for nearly every employee. Try to find someone that has very recently had an interview and you will find out what they are. I sadly had one 2 years ago so am not much use.
Reply 3
Anybody can get a job at tescos I really messed up in my interview but still got the job. That sed i push trollys but do get payed well. I got asked the last time you helped some one question and had to make it up on the spot. Also got asked why do you want to work at tesco?
Reply 4
i wore chinos and an open necked shirt to mine.

wore a suit to my promotion interview tho :p:

*oh the dizzy heights of tesco supervisors* :biggrin:
Reply 5
good luck buddy
Reply 6
cheers for help guys, any1 who has had an interview or works at tesco, cud u tell me if you or any1 you know got given the job at the interview, or did u have to wait before they rang u back and sed yes? wat about the rest of the process thanks
Reply 7
update for any1 that wants to know/care

they asked me some silly questions like "name last time you learnt a new skill", "name last time you found something difficult and how you overcame it", "name a time when you had to help someone"

then i got told id passed the interview process (yay), but that was just the start of a painstaking process, as she sed id b phoned about my hours the next day.....guess what not phoned. Eventually 3 days later i phoned them, and she offered me a job, but didnt have my hours to hand and she'd phone me the next day.....she didnt. I phone again after like 3 days, and shes gone on holiday, so eventually speak to some other guy that can help, he tells me some hours, some which i can do and some which i specifically said i couldnt work, but they were ok with me working some and not working others. Then i get told my induction is on a specific day and id b called on the day to confirmation, so then speak to original holiday woman and shes now booked my induction, starting date, and is taking care of my offer letter.

So in short, dont rely on them - hassle them until you get what u want, or a definite no
God, that is bloody annoying isn't it. I had a similiar problem with my first job at Co-Op. They can be so useless sometimes.
Reply 9
i applied to tesco a year ago as a shelf filler, and the woman who called offered me an interview for trolley collecter, but i cldnt go to the interview so i told her n she never called again, this yr about 3 weeks ago i posted an application form and i havent heard anything, i feel like calling up lol n asking, should i?. man its so hard to find a job
Reply 10
i would...but i find that unless uve been called for interview, they dont even giv u the time of day

(ive applied 4 times)

so wen i used to phone up after not hearing anything, they wud tell me no1 from recruitment or personnel was there at like 11am....blatent lies

If i were u, id wait another week, then apply again. Its all about the personality questionnaire, if u get that wrong they bin ur application - ironically i got a m8 to do it and i now have a job - offer letter came through today.

Sweetie u can try phoning em but they are really ignorant until uve had an interview, so just keep appliny till u get an interview, then rock at the interview, then annoy the hell out of em
Reply 11
yeh but i applied last yr, n they offered me an interview and i never went, so maybe thats y theyre not calling me, cos ive even had experience since then
Reply 12
I have an interview with Tescos in an hour *is scared* I hope I get the job. It's better pay than Primark (where I work now)
I better not put too much emphasis on the fact they pay better in the interview. Well... Won't mention it at all.
Reply 13
update for any1 that wants to know/care

they asked me some silly questions like "name last time you learnt a new skill", "name last time you found something difficult and how you overcame it", "name a time when you had to help someone"

then i got told id passed the interview process (yay), but that was just the start of a painstaking process, as she sed id b phoned about my hours the next day.....guess what not phoned. Eventually 3 days later i phoned them, and she offered me a job, but didnt have my hours to hand and she'd phone me the next day.....she didnt. I phone again after like 3 days, and shes gone on holiday, so eventually speak to some other guy that can help, he tells me some hours, some which i can do and some which i specifically said i couldnt work, but they were ok with me working some and not working others. Then i get told my induction is on a specific day and id b called on the day to confirmation, so then speak to original holiday woman and shes now booked my induction, starting date, and is taking care of my offer letter.

So in short, dont rely on them - hassle them until you get what u want, or a definite no

Haha I see your interview went well, then! Well done!
If they didn't reply to me I would immediately be thinking that they were doing it on purpose, considering the type of person I am. lol. But anyway I got called for the next interview and that's what matters! Can't wait to have those 60, I MEAN 60 QUESTIONS asked... But they're only short answers :wink:. Apparently they will judge my reaction and attitude and personality, to see if these are adequate to the role I'm to do. I still can't believe they actually called me though... I mean, I'm 16, still in school, and applied to THE BEST luxury hotel chain in the world! I'm honestly chuffed. I suppose that the fact that I speak English and Portuguese fluently, as they are both my first languages, has helped me through... The hotel will be having loads of English-speaking guests, with English-speaking kids... So I need to be able to communicate effectively with them.
I really hope they pay well, though... And Ninja32, I wish you good luck on your new job! I'll update everyone whether I'm selected or not... If I go past this next interview, I will still have an interview with the Pool and Health Club Manager, then with the Room Division Director (the 2nd person in the hotel's hierarchy), and then with the Managing Director of the hotel!!! :eek: But hopefully I'll do fine :wink:.
Good luck to everyone applying for jobs!
Reply 14
Did anyone else have to actually write a letter to Tesco just to get an application form, they told me this before and seemed like alot of trouble just for an application form.
Reply 15
Haha I see your interview went well, then! Well done!
If they didn't reply to me I would immediately be thinking that they were doing it on purpose, considering the type of person I am. lol. But anyway I got called for the next interview and that's what matters! Can't wait to have those 60, I MEAN 60 QUESTIONS asked... But they're only short answers :wink:. Apparently they will judge my reaction and attitude and personality, to see if these are adequate to the role I'm to do. I still can't believe they actually called me though... I mean, I'm 16, still in school, and applied to THE BEST luxury hotel chain in the world! I'm honestly chuffed. I suppose that the fact that I speak English and Portuguese fluently, as they are both my first languages, has helped me through... The hotel will be having loads of English-speaking guests, with English-speaking kids... So I need to be able to communicate effectively with them.
I really hope they pay well, though... And Ninja32, I wish you good luck on your new job! I'll update everyone whether I'm selected or not... If I go past this next interview, I will still have an interview with the Pool and Health Club Manager, then with the Room Division Director (the 2nd person in the hotel's hierarchy), and then with the Managing Director of the hotel!!! :eek: But hopefully I'll do fine :wink:.
Good luck to everyone applying for jobs!

good luck buddy, ull do gr8 :smile:
Reply 16
Woo! I got the job. I start Monday 5th. Goodbye Primark!
Reply 17
rah i start next thurs....:biggrin:
Reply 18
well done renza, how much does Tesco pay per hour? and how much does it pay for night work?
Reply 19
5.63 AN HOUR!!!! WOOT!

Better than the smelly 3.71 I was getting in Primark. And I gather the impression it's not as much hard work as Primark yay!