The Student Room Group

Moaning during sex

Why do people moan and go "Aaaarrrrggghh....oooooooohhhhh....AAAAHHHH!" as though they are in immense pain, when they have sex?
Also, isn't it kind of embarassing to do that in front of the person you're having sex with? I mean even if you love them, I can't imagine being that uninhibited and making yourself totally vulnerable in front of them. And then what about if you break up, and they see you walking down the street, I'd just be thinking, "Crap, he knows what I look like naked...he knows where and how I like to be touched..." I go red just thinking about it!!!!

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Reply 1
I mean even if you love them, I can't imagine being that uninhibited and making yourself totally vulnerable in front of them.

I think you're kind of missing the point of sex, my dear.
Reply 2
I'd just be thinking, "Crap, he knows what I look like naked...

Let's hope you never meet your gynaecologist in the street then...
Reply 3
Reply 4

Also, isn't it kind of embarassing to do that in front of the person you're having sex with?

You shouldnt have sex with someone you dont feel comfortable with anyway, so no I have never been embarrassed.
Reply 5
What they all said.
Plus, loads of complete strangers have seen me naked anyway (I'm a nude model for the uni art soc) so why would I feel embarrassed about my boyfriend seeing me?!
Let's hope you never meet your gynaecologist in the street then...


To the OP, if you’re very self-conscious you should probably make sure you trust the person before sleeping with them. Anyway, moaning is not the most embarrassing/degrading thing you can do in bed. So I wouldn’t worry, unless you scream :eyeball:
Reply 7
Because they are in immense pleasure...
Reply 8
And then what about if you break up, and they see you walking down the street, I'd just be thinking, "Crap, he knows what I look like naked...he knows where and how I like to be touched..." I go red just thinking about it!!!!

I find that much more funny than embarassing. I started laughing to myself in a lesson the other day because of that...wasn't sure how to explain why I was laughing when my friend asked though, haha.

Hell, you know the same things about them. If you're mature enough to have sex and trust someone enough to sleep with them then I would imagine you're mature enough to face them after and not be embarassed by it...
Why do people moan and go "Aaaarrrrggghh....oooooooohhhhh....AAAAHHHH!" as though they are in immense pain, when they have sex?
Also, isn't it kind of embarassing to do that in front of the person you're having sex with? I mean even if you love them, I can't imagine being that uninhibited and making yourself totally vulnerable in front of them. And then what about if you break up, and they see you walking down the street, I'd just be thinking, "Crap, he knows what I look like naked...he knows where and how I like to be touched..." I go red just thinking about it!!!!

You've missed the point. In fact, the point is in the exact opposite direction to where you are aiming. The point is behind you. Yes, turn around 180 degrees and you will see it. Got it?
Reply 10
Why do people moan and go "Aaaarrrrggghh....oooooooohhhhh....AAAAHHHH!" as though they are in immense pain, when they have sex?
Also, isn't it kind of embarassing to do that in front of the person you're having sex with? I mean even if you love them, I can't imagine being that uninhibited and making yourself totally vulnerable in front of them. And then what about if you break up, and they see you walking down the street, I'd just be thinking, "Crap, he knows what I look like naked...he knows where and how I like to be touched..." I go red just thinking about it!!!!

Ummm...have you ever had sex before!?
i personally prefer my bf to be noisy than just a silent dummy. Moaning is just a way of saying you are enjoying sex. It would be more worrying if they're just dead silent!!!
Reply 11
I think you underestimate the closeness involved. I assumed I would feel very inhibited about sex, nudity etc, but I dropped pretty much straight into lolling around naked, being very sexually open etc. That openness is kinda what it's about. One night stands may be different.
Reply 12
people tend to moan if they enjoy sex, I for one do it, I don't force myself to, it's just a reaction because you're enjoying yourself, and like ting-ting said, it's a LOT better to be with someone who's making some kind of noise rather than just silence, definately lets you know if you're doing it right!
Reply 13
petri dish
people tend to moan if they enjoy sex, I for one do it, I don't force myself to, it's just a reaction because you're enjoying yourself, and like ting-ting said, it's a LOT better to be with someone who's making some kind of noise rather than just silence, definately lets you know if you're doing it right!

exactly what i was going to say :smile:

you moan if you like it.. if you don't like it, then you don't moan.. hehe.. it's nice when your partner moans because then you know that you are doing something right at least.
people tend to moan if they enjoy sex, I for one do it, I don't force myself to, it's just a reaction because you're enjoying yourself, and like ting-ting said, it's a LOT better to be with someone who's making some kind of noise rather than just silence, definately lets you know if you're doing it right!

She's apparently loud aswell..

Anyway, men love the moaning. For example, porn is crap without the sounds.

Moaning is sexy and it lets, like Petri and Ting said, it lets the other person know you're enjoying it.
Like when you have chocolate icecream and you let an inadvertant 'mm' come out.
Just like that, but... louder.
Why do people moan and go "Aaaarrrrggghh....oooooooohhhhh....AAAAHHHH!" as though they are in immense pain, when they have sex?

Stop watching porn.
Reply 16
Anyway, men love the moaning. For example, porn is crap without the sounds.

Moaning is sexy and it lets, like Petri and Ting said, it lets the other person know you're enjoying it.
Like when you have chocolate icecream and you let an inadvertant 'mm' come out.
Just like that, but... louder.


and thats a essential part of sex, let the partner know u r enjoying

you moan if you like it.. if you don't like it, then you don't moan.. hehe.. it's nice when your partner moans because then you know that you are doing something right at least.

Or when you're with someone who can't do it right and you want it over and done with quick.

I read a fantastic line in a book once that went
'I want to make it clear, I never fake an orgasm. I just emphasise how much I'm enjoying it...'

I think that says it all.
Reply 18
does the moan is part of the orgasm?
The moaning is any time from a - b.

You just get more loud or quiet (depending which way you go) or forceful when you orgasm.

A lot of people moan when kissing...