The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hey, im doing my as psychology coursework about the effects of chunking on memory recall. i just wondered, what information do i need to put in to my briefing and debriefing?????

just say that u told the participants exactly wot the exp was about, the purpose of it and wot u were going to do wiv the results. also say that u told them they had the right to withdraw at any time.
Reply 2
If you don't tell them the purpose of the experiment in the breifing, you have to tell them in the debrief
Reply 3
in your breif you need to tell them what they have to do in the experiment and that they have the right to withdraw at any time.

the debreif needs to let the participants know what the purpose of the experiment was and also a contact address or telephone number so the participant can contact the researcher and obtain a copy of the experimental results and the research paper if they want.
I'm doing my Internal assesment and where did you find the original study of chunking? Who did it?
Does anyone here know what a 'Parvocellular pathway' is??

B/c my textbook (and it's even titled 'Neuroscience', not as impressive as it sounds) doesn't say anything about it!!!
I'm doing my Internal assesment and where did you find the original study of chunking? Who did it?

i found bousfiled (1953) really useful! and mandler (1967) hope it helps!