The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
lol I like BBC parliament, I think it's quite interesting. Out of the terrestrial channels it would have to be five, and there's loads of bad channels on sky lol. One of the worst has got to be the audi channel though lol.
Reply 2
sport!!! oh and buying show things, if i wanted things i would go shopping down town!
Reply 3
all those crappy ones like UK gold which play things like crystal maze and corrie ect!!!!!!!!!!!

No UK Gold's good lol. Shows loads of good old comedy shows :smile:
all those crappy ones like UK gold which play things like crystal maze and corrie ect!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah the uktv channels are good!

Anyone here ever watched MUTV?
Nah the uktv channels are good!

Anyone here ever watched MUTV?

MUTV is awesome

The worst channel is the information channels! So repetitive
Reply 6
lol I like BBC parliament, I think it's quite interesting.

You have to be joking!

This channel should be axed. Its full of idiots debating over god knows what. Last time they were debating about 'squirrels', 'adjournments', 'sanctuaries' and the list goes on.. They need a life
Scifi channel
Reply 8
the answer is clearly Teachers TV
currently (last 5 years) itv 1 is poor
Reply 10
The Fashion Channel bleurgh
Reply 11
Scifi channel

:eek: No way

They show Emmaunelle every friday/saturday :suith:

Reply 12
I too like BBC Parliament. Very good to dip in to in my sad opinion! :smile:

As for the worst, ITV Play? Oh its awful. FTN isn't much better, even when its not doing phone quizzes and trying to 'normal' tv. They have about 4 shows on a loop!
Reply 13
I don't really tend to watch the digital channels much except for the music ones and E4/More4.

ITV is just poor all round, though.
men and motors:frown:whats the deal with the fishing programmes?
Reply 15
the answer is clearly Teachers TV

There's nothing bloody useful on there.
Reply 16
men and motors:frown:whats the deal with the fishing programmes?

I AGREE!! so boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:frown:
Reply 17
Quiz Call. I hate those sorts of channels
Reply 18
uktv history?
All those quiz channels. What's the point? People hardly ever phone in and the presenters look like fools waiting desperately for someone to phone in.:p: