lol I like BBC parliament, I think it's quite interesting. Out of the terrestrial channels it would have to be five, and there's loads of bad channels on sky lol. One of the worst has got to be the audi channel though lol.
lol I like BBC parliament, I think it's quite interesting.
You have to be joking!
This channel should be axed. Its full of idiots debating over god knows what. Last time they were debating about 'squirrels', 'adjournments', 'sanctuaries' and the list goes on.. They need a life
I too like BBC Parliament. Very good to dip in to in my sad opinion!
As for the worst, ITV Play? Oh its awful. FTN isn't much better, even when its not doing phone quizzes and trying to 'normal' tv. They have about 4 shows on a loop!