The Student Room Group

Need help and advice

I have this mate, lets call him bob. hes 15 and going out with another friend of mine, lets call her sally.

well anyway bob has, from what i hear from sally, a v unstable mother. now bob isnt the easiest son to have (he's no angel, but he'd never hurt anyone.) anyways back on track. his mum gets angry and tends to take it out on bob. like hitting him and screaming at him. and throwing him out. he's had to sleep rough before coz he had nowhere to go.

anyway last night his mum through him out again coz she split with her boyf and was v drunk. bob had to cycle several miles to sally's house coz he had nowhere to go.

now, i dnt know what to do, bob is someone who dnt let on how upset he is, and sally is a wreck coz she so scared summin terrible is gonna happen to him. any ideas?
Reply 1
Do nothing. It is nothing to do with you at all, and getting yourself involved in family situations can be more trouble that it is worth. Maybe talk to him and let him know that you are there is he ever wants to talk. I wouldn't go beyond that really. If you feel that he is suffering child abuse then you can make an anonymous call to childline or the NSPCC, however make sure you are doing the right thing before you do this.
i dont agree with this advice. if hes a friend of yours be there for him. who cares if you get involved? maybe the situation has gotten so bad because no one else has gotten involved. if needs a house to sleep in, offer yours. if he needs food, feed him. i mean hes a human being for christs sake, imagine if you were in his situation, wouldnt you love for someone to be there for you.

get involved. call him, see if he needs help. tell your parents about it if your too scared, you cannot keep this to yourself. if your too young to do anything, tell your parents, they are more mature, and will kno which steps to take to help him out.
I'm with blackhawk on this one. Try to be there for him but keep ur distance from his mum. The NSPCC may be an option but only if you are SURE!