The Student Room Group

Dianette - A Warning To All Girls

Ok, I was put on the contraceptive pill Dianette for my skin, and I'd just like to warn all girls about it. I've been off it for three weeks now, and onlt now have I realised that the gril who sat crying in her room for hours, doing really harmful stuff and generally wanting to die isn't me. I feel fine now, although a few weeks ago I could never envisage myself being happy again. What I'd like to say to all girls is that when you're taking it, you don't have the logical thinking to work out that it's not actually you who's depressed, but ti's the effect of the pill. I'm talking about Dianette (also known as Diane 35) here, not any other pills. All i want to say is, be careful. There were times when I genuinely contemplated suicide, and now, when I look back and realise how good my life is, and was when I was having thos thoughts, I shudder at the fact that I could have done something so extreme, purely for slightly clearer skin. So be careful.

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Reply 1
That doesn't apply to everyone though. My sister's on dianette, and she's hardly depressed.
Depression is listed in the possible side-effects though, so everyone who's taking it should know of the risks. It's in the little booklet which comes in the pack.
Reply 3
All medication has possible side effects, and all of theses are listed by the manufacturer. Your doctor should go through these with you, and if you are worried then there is a published leaflet available with your medication.

I'm sorry that you suffered some side effects, but that is what it is. A side effect. Not everyone will get it, so your post is a bit extreme and OTT.
I was on it for a year and had no probs. Was changed to Marvelon though because you are not meant to be on Diannette for more than a year (higher risk of DVT than other pills).
Reply 5
I was on it for a year and had no probs. Was changed to Marvelon though because you are not meant to be on Diannette for more than a year (higher risk of DVT than other pills).

You're joking right??? I've been on it for 6 years (since I was 13) :frown:
Frankly I get depressed when I'm OFF Diane 35 and my spots come back.
Reply 6
Hmm, I think the OP is making a generalisation - Ok, so you got depressed but not everyone does. I was on it for 5 years as my skin had a pus festival and it cleared it up. My boobs also grew so that was fun! You need to be aware that medications can have side effects.
Reply 7
Segat - are you still on it? I've been on for 6 yrs, but every time I take a month gap after a 6 month course spots come bac really bad :frown:
Reply 8
Not everyone suffers from depression when on Dianette. Certainly I haven't and my acne has been better as well.
I was concerned about the length of time that you're meant to be on Dianette - you're allegedly only meant to be on it for 18 months as a 'starter pill' and I've been on it nearly 2 years. I asked my doctor about this just last week and because I have polycystic ovary syndrome and Dianette is the pill that best helps to allay the symptoms, he recommended that I remain on it and that there was no reason for me to change pill. So it's different for all girls - just take the advice of your doctor.
Reply 9
Segat - are you still on it? I've been on for 6 yrs, but every time I take a month gap after a 6 month course spots come bac really bad :frown:
Nup. Changed after my skin cleared up, went onto antoher pill called Levelyn which gave me menopausal symptons - hot flushes, sweats etc. So went to a specialist who put me on Microgynon 50 (which isnt avail in UK). Now am on microgynon 30 and still no babies and boobs still big :biggrin:
Reply 10
I was on it for a year and had no probs. Was changed to Marvelon though because you are not meant to be on Diannette for more than a year (higher risk of DVT than other pills).

Hey, how are u finding Marvelon? I just got put on this at the start of the week - not started on it yet, waiting till i next come on. Im always nervous starting new things though!!!

Let me know how you've found it.

smiles x
I've been on it over two years now and have had no problems at all. Skin is great, no weight gain (loss if anything!) and no bad moods! Great! Everyone is different though, dont forget :smile:
Reply 12
i must say, this is very true. i'd say im usually a very very happy person. im content with my life 100%. when i started on dianette, i remember during the first 2 months i had the worst depression just before my period. i remember sitting on a bench at the cathedral crying for no reason, everything just seemed to get on top of me. after the first 2-3 months, i didnt have any specific depressive times. however usually im an outgoing person but dianette seems to have put a damper on my personality, and i seem to just want to be alone alot more.

it is worth it though, after trying all the different categories of antibiotics, i think the depression is a small price to pay but if you are naturally inclined to depression i think it would be potentially dangerous.

another side effect is increase in body fat % - this is due to high estrogen in the dianette. im usually sporty and muscly but my body fat levels (%) has risen alot even though my eating and weight is exactly the same.

i think everyone will react differently , and these risks combined with risk of DVT need to be weighed up against clear skin, no sickness/nausea/skin rash as with other anibiotics, and good contraceptive protection.
i've been on marvelon for 6 years on and off- had brief experiments with mycrogynon and another one i can't remember the name of, and also had the implant for 9 months...always come back to marvelon though, i think it suits me.
i never had problems with spots or had bad periods before, and i certianly don't now- in fact my periods are so light i sometimes forget about it!
everyone is different though....
Reply 14
Every pill has the potential to make you depressed. It's different for each woman, so if a particular pill isn't working out for you, go see a doctor and have it switched.
Reply 15
i dunno, in the past i've tried alot of pills for bad periods - Cilest, Microgynon, Logynon etc but none had the depressive effect that dianette had, and i have heard it can frequently have this effect more so than other pills. saying this everyone is different
the implant made me have stange mood swings and felt unstable and depressive much more easily...
it's true- everyone is different you just need to find what suits you best. dianette might be great for some girls, but bad for others.
All medication has possible side effects, and all of theses are listed by the manufacturer. Your doctor should go through these with you, and if you are worried then there is a published leaflet available with your medication.

I'm sorry that you suffered some side effects, but that is what it is. A side effect. Not everyone will get it, so your post is a bit extreme and OTT.

I don't think it is too extreme, bearing in mind the feelings I was having. i feel it's my duty to warn others. I'm not saying that my words are the gospel, but I think girls should be aware. That's fair enough.
Reply 18
well i know chloe very well and she was very very very low, and suicidal. So i think you should all take heed and only use it if you actually need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i know chloe very well and she was very very very low, and suicidal. So i think you should all take heed and only use it if you actually need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
