Ok, I was put on the contraceptive pill Dianette for my skin, and I'd just like to warn all girls about it. I've been off it for three weeks now, and onlt now have I realised that the gril who sat crying in her room for hours, doing really harmful stuff and generally wanting to die isn't me. I feel fine now, although a few weeks ago I could never envisage myself being happy again. What I'd like to say to all girls is that when you're taking it, you don't have the logical thinking to work out that it's not actually you who's depressed, but ti's the effect of the pill. I'm talking about Dianette (also known as Diane 35) here, not any other pills. All i want to say is, be careful. There were times when I genuinely contemplated suicide, and now, when I look back and realise how good my life is, and was when I was having thos thoughts, I shudder at the fact that I could have done something so extreme, purely for slightly clearer skin. So be careful.