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Please, Your opinions on Bisexualism.

I happen to be Bi and I Don't know whether to come out.

I'm afraid of how people will react.

:frown: Please help!

I want your opinions!
Why do people feel the need to be greedy?
well it does double your chances of getting a date.
Reply 3
Why do people feel the need to be greedy?

It's bisexuality, I think. You don't need to come out if you don't want to, after all you still fancy the opposite sex. There's nothing wrong with being bi, and if you need any more help there's an LGBT forum on TSR. :smile:

People are okay with others being bi nowadays. The ones that aren't are not open-minded enough to live in the 21st century.
Why do people feel the need to be greedy?

Load of my friends are Bi.

i have no problem with Bi/Gay/Lesbian/Asexual (I only know 1 asexual)...
Reply 5
Why do people feel the need to be greedy?

That is exactly how i was afraid people would react.

i can't tell them. I just can't.
Reply 6
That is exactly how i was afraid people would react.

i can't tell them. I just can't.
If they're your friends they won't. SOME people *not looking at anyone in specific* are just lame.

And you don't need to tell them. There are lots of closet gays. I never told my mum either.
Reply 7
If they're your friends they won't. SOME people *not looking at anyone in specific* are just lame.

And you don't need to tell them. There are lots of closet gays. I never told my mum either.

If i did tell my parents my mum would be okay about it but my dad would never talk to me again.

My Friends know. I'm just tired of having to hide everything from everyone else.

Like right now i have to keep looking over my shoulder to check that non of my Classmates are reading what i am writing.

All of the people at my school are extremely Homophobic ('cept my friends)
Reply 8
Random people don't need to know that? :confused: What do you care what other people think? I don't see the problem now, I thought your friends didn't know.
Reply 9
Why do people feel the need to be greedy?

I'm rather picky actually.
Reply 10
That is exactly how i was afraid people would react.

i can't tell them. I just can't.

You have idiots like that everywhere. Thing is, even if you were straight you would have to deal with bigoted morons of some sort. Could be religious fanatics, militant animal right activists, extreme feminists, or whatever. Now, obviously I don't know about your friends/family, but I'd say most people are rather nice about it. So far I have only met one person who was outright homophobic, and he seemed to be more scared of me than hostile to be honest. In the end it is up to you who you want to tell.
Why do people feel the need to be greedy?

Very very bad opinion you've got there but I have to admit it made me laugh sorry :redface: but yeah maybe bi's area little bit greedy but why does that make it technically a bad thing?! As I doubt bi's are bisexual just so they can have a man and a woman at the same time as that would be wrong! As it would be for any heterosexual person! But I bet you wouldn't go calling your mate greedy if they had 2 ppl on the go!:rolleyes:
Reply 12
Don't bother. People will just think you're attention seeking. Just go about your bisexual lifestyle and if people ask, don't lie... just no need to proclaim it to everyone. It's not a big deal.
Please, Your opinions on Bisexualism.

I happen to be Bi and I Don't know whether to come out.

I'm afraid of how people will react.

:frown: Please help!

I want your opinions!

I'm Bi too, "welcome to the club".

It really depends on whether you think it will make you feel better to come out. I did, but it was a very informal affair. I posted it on a profile for a message board and some of my mates read it. Pretty painless tbh. If you think people will understand and treat you normaly, go for it. But its a pretty personal thing and there is no need to be open about it.
Reply 14
well im strictly dickly myself..but if I were you I'd just tell people straight 'i like the peaches and the cream'. If they dont accept you, they arent people you want to be around anyway.
Reply 15
its does not matter even some of the most anti gay people i know would not care if somebody was Bi as they can relate to them in the same way sexually. It gives u and advantange to be able to express how fit somebody is of both genders as you can say he's fit or she's fit to your mates of both gender, bonus
Reply 16
Im not sure what i am, most likely gay but maybe bi...jst havent tried it but my feelings tend to be with guys mostly.
To start with i jst got on wth my life and if pple found out from seeing something then i would admit it. Theres no need to hide from pple (apart from family in my case) but then theres no need to go round shouting it out.
Just live your life how u like and if people suspect something and ask then jst tell them. They shouldnt have a problem with your sexuality...i havnt had any..its a common thing now.
Another thing with being Bi is that if ure worried that strait guys mite giv u a hard time then it wud be less so than being gay because u have somthing in common lol!
Reply 17
It's bisexuality, I think
Yes, it is. -ism would be the suffix for lesbianism, but -ity is the suffix for (bi)sexuality :smile:

If i did tell my parents my mum would be okay about it but my dad would never talk to me again
Sounds familiar...I actually had a discussion similar to this with a doctor on Tuesday (not on bisexuality, but something else), and I reckon the advice he gave me would suit you here. If you reckon your mum would be OK with it but your dad wouldn't be, tell your mum and let her be a "middle man" between yourself and your dad. Even if your dad doesn't initially like it, in the end he probably just wants you to be happy - if being bisexual makes you happy, he'll eventually come round to being OK with that being your decision.

All of the people at my school are extremely Homophobic ('cept my friends)
All schools are like that, I'm afraid...anyone that doesn't meet certain 'criteria' (heterosexuality invariably being one of these criteria) is deemed as being "different" and is mocked for their feelings/opinions/whatever. It's just something that happens in school, though - when you go into university it should be easier for you to come out, as people in university are usually more open-minded.

Just go about your bisexual lifestyle and if people ask, don't lie...
I'd agree with this, but add in one thing - use your own judgement on when to lie or not...if you think someone is likely to take the piss out of you because of it then don't tell them (you don't necessarily have to lie to them - someone asked me why I was wearing makeup a few weeks ago (I had eyeshadow and nail polish on), and instead of letting him know that I'm transsexual I just stuck my middle finger up at him and ignored him...he got a negative response, knew I wasn't going to tell him and didn't bother to ask again. He may not have liked my response, but I knew he'd only try to get a reaction out of me if he knew the truth). If you think they'll be cool with it then be honest.
If you don't feel comfortable in coming out, you don't have to. Nobody's going to force you into it, so take it at your own pace and just let people know when you're ready.
You don't have to announce it to everyone at any one time or anything. I'd agree with a previous poster who said to go about your business then if anyone finds out just admit it. Chances are they won't mind anyway, so many people have had same sex experiences these days.

When people apart from my close friends found out I was also interested in girls, nothing happened at all! I haven't mentioned it to my mum, but I dont see what the point would be really. She would probably say 'Oh, you young people eh, I bet it's just a phase!'
Im not sure what i am, most likely gay but maybe bi...jst havent tried it but my feelings tend to be with guys mostly.
To start with i jst got on wth my life and if pple found out from seeing something then i would admit it. Theres no need to hide from pple (apart from family in my case) but then theres no need to go round shouting it out.
Just live your life how u like and if people suspect something and ask then jst tell them. They shouldnt have a problem with your sexuality...i havnt had any..its a common thing now.
Another thing with being Bi is that if ure worried that strait guys mite giv u a hard time then it wud be less so than being gay because u have somthing in common lol!

I am Bi too. Most of the guys at my school giv me a hard time even though they don't know i'm Bi...It's 'cus i'm not so 'Boystrous'

( I also Lean more towards Guys. Emo guys Turn Me On Bigtime!)