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Reply 1
Have you ever seen/thought of seeing a mistress chaps? Anybody have any deep-rooted, intellectualised reasons for why this phenomenon exists and appeals to many?

An interesting question. It would indeed be interesting to see what people have to say for the second question.
Thanks Alex. Yet still no answers:smile: I'm sure Howard would come up with something amusing and informative
Reply 3
"Mistress" makes me think of a 60-year old wrinkly primary school teacher. No thanks.
"Mistress" makes me think of a 60-year old wrinkly primary school teacher. No thanks.

:rolleyes: Don't play innocent. You know what I mean:biggrin:
Reply 5
I'd have thought the appeal of a mistress is that it is completely seperate from everyday life, so that it is possible to act without constraints from real life. Also, I think that many people enjoy the 'forbidden' element of the whole thing; sneaking around, secrecy, private rendezvous etc.

Not that I have a mistress or have any intention of looking for one.
Ressurecting the thread, and I don't care if it's tossy to do so:smile:
Reply 7
I guess it's like the "forbidden fruit" - giys know they shouldn't be doing it so they get a kick out of it?
I guess it's like the "forbidden fruit" - giys know they shouldn't be doing it so they get a kick out of it?

Why shouldn't they be doing it?
Reply 9
Do you mean a mistress as in a bit on the side, or as in a nice lady who works in one of them massage parlours above the local chip shop...? Or, like, someone you pay to lick her boots and generally get kicked about a bit?
Reply 10
Ew. The only men allowed mistresses are the likes of Lord Byron and Shelley.
you could argue its the alpha male syndrome insticnt tells us to spread our seed as far and wide as possible, the male need of a spieces to procreate as much as possible to raise children.
the other view is men just want to get it in as many women as possible
Reply 12
Do you mean a mistress as in a bit on the side, or as in a nice lady who works in one of them massage parlours above the local chip shop...?

I think OP is thinking more in terms of some fancy courtesan...
Do you mean a mistress as in a bit on the side, or as in a nice lady who works in one of them massage parlours above the local chip shop...? Or, like, someone you pay to lick her boots and generally get kicked about a bit?


The bold bit, but it's an over-simplification:redface:
Reply 14
Ewewewewewewewewew. MEN :mad:
Reply 15
Why shouldn't they be doing it?

Ah I was talking in terms of the mistress being a bit on the side lol.
And you wondered why I thought you should be neutered
Oh, I know it was a bit of a simple way of putting it.

They're quite cool girls, them. Getting paid to humiliate rich businessmen and call them names, and not have to do anything that would be traditionally seen as sexual? Not too bad, eh? And they get crazy cool outfits..
And you wondered why I thought you should be neutered

:wink: I just am curious about it(I'd have to be inhuman not to be:smile:), and thought we could have an adult and open discussion about it:smile:
Reply 19
:wink: I just am curious about it(I'd have to be inhuman not to be:smile:), and thought we could have an adult and open discussion about it:smile:

I'm still not sure what you mean by mistresses though - do you mean like dominatrix style women, or men having affairs?