The Student Room Group

Eye problem

Lately my right eye has been bugging me. It feels like I have sand in the back of it. There’s nothing I can see in my eye. It feels really gritty, and every now and again I keep getting this like little ‘ball’ of cloud in eye. Don’t get me wrong I can still see fine (well I wear glasses, so my eyesight is far from prefect lol) My eyes not hurting or anything, it’s just quite annoying.

Has anyone had this happen before? I intend to go the doctors on Monday if it doesn’t go by then. Just thought I’d ask on here, to put my mind at rest (I get really funny about my eyes when something is wrong with them, convinced I’m going to go blind lol)

any help would be great
Reply 1
I'm no expert but might be worth going to an optician in case its a sign the retina could detatch itself at some point.. probably something minor but well worth getting it checked.
Reply 2
I'm no expert but might be worth going to an optician in case its a sign the retina could detatch itself at some point.. probably something minor but well worth getting it checked.

:eek: that sounds scary
Reply 3
eye lash in your eye? That happens sometimes and irratating.
Reply 4
eye lash in your eye? That happens sometimes and irratating.

nope, I've looked and there's nothing in my eye. well nothing I can see/reach anyway
Reply 5
look harder, i usually find lost lashs in the bottom eye lid. Or try rubbing your eyes with your knuckles then try again. Works most of the time for me
you shouldnt rub your eyes, it damages them- makes your eye sight worse
go to see your GP and get refered to an orphoptist.
Reply 8
go to see your GP and get refered to an orphoptist.

Thanks, will do :smile:
Reply 9
you mean opthamologist... :p:
Reply 10
have you tried using an eye wash? could just be a bit of dirt or something and an eye wash like Optrex from Boots might wash it out.
you mean opthamologist... :p:

depends on the condition i guess.

i see an orphoptist because i have duanes syndrome.

maybe it was a little specific to begin with!:smile: