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Reply 1
Reply 2

We don't have Astrology at out school but if it was taught then I would do it because it sounds good. :smile:
I voted for maths as the hardest GCSE I took, but if I'd had to take something really creative like art or music, I'd have found that harder because I have no talent whatsoever for subjects like that!
Reply 4
We don't have Astrology at out school but if it was taught then I would do it because it sounds good. :smile:

i can't tell if you are serious or not...i might be the one looking stupid now :frown:

btw hardest subject = physics
Reply 5
Reply 6
Any of the appiled courses. Like appiled ICT and Business Studies cos of the 66% coursework plus it's not easy coursework
Reply 7
i can't tell if you are serious or not...i might be the one looking stupid now :frown:

btw hardest subject = physics

I'm being serious

Look on this website. Astronomy is a rare GCSE subject.
Reply 8
I'm being serious

Look on this website. Astronomy is a rare GCSE subject.

Yes, but being rare doesn't necessarily make it hard. It might be, but it might not.
Reply 9
Yes, but being rare doesn't necessarily make it hard. It might be, but it might not.

I didn't say it was hard. Read the 2nd post and you will see who said it was hard. I just said that we didn't have it at our school.
I didn't say it was hard. Read the 2nd post and you will see who said it was hard. I just said that we didn't have it at our school.

Ah, apologies. :smile: Astronomy sounds cool anyhow :biggrin:
Reply 11
Maths by far :mad:
Reply 12
Sys Con!
Reply 14
I'm being serious
Look on this website. Astronomy is a rare GCSE subject.

yes, but you said ASTROLOGY, go and look at your post...
Reply 15
yes, but you said ASTROLOGY, go and look at your post...

Knogle said it, I didn't. I find English the hardest. You read all the posts :mad:
Reply 16
Hardest to get a good grade in? Art (especially the Fine Art courses :p: )
Reply 17
Hardest to get a good grade in? Art (especially the Fine Art courses :p: )

The art exams finished, isn't it?
Reply 18
Latin! so much poetry to remember
Reply 19
i can't tell if you are serious or not...i might be the one looking stupid now :frown:

btw hardest subject = physics
