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In a bit of a predicament. Applied for French and German at St.John's, but was offered only German at St.Hilda's (AAB) in October. Just after anyones opinion on the college, and whether it would be possible to take up another language when I get there. Don't see myself as an all-girls-college sort of person......
Reply 1
In a bit of a predicament. Applied for French and German at St.John's, but was offered only German at St.Hilda's (AAB) in October. Just after anyones opinion on the college, and whether it would be possible to take up another language when I get there. Don't see myself as an all-girls-college sort of person......

It might be all-women nominally but it seems as free and flexible as you want it to be with lads around whenever you want (overnight, bops etc) with virtually no restrictions.
Hildabeast is the one to ask on this - as she is there at the moment. My daughter is going to St Hildas next year and yes it was not her first choice either... but having gone to the student run open day, she was more than happy with the accommodation, the grounds and the friendliness of the other students (current and next year's too). There other threads on this . Do a search on St Hildas and it should come up with quite a few for you!
Reply 2
Hi, search for a recent thread called "Open Offers" I believe and look for some posts Hildabeast and myself (Hoofbeat) made! I've been made an open offer at Oxford to study Physics and it was St Hilda's that gave me the open offer (not my 1st choice New) and although my actual college won't be decided upon until after exam results, I still could end up there. I wasn't sure at first, but am now not that bothered. In my opinion Oxford is an opportunity that can't be missed and if that means living in single-sex accomodation for a year, so be it! Many Uni's have single-sex halls of residence! They'll still be blokes on your course and in your lectures and most of Hilda's social events are with other colleges so therefore mixed! in the 2nd year you can always live out with blokes and mates if you really hate it!
Reply 3
In a bit of a predicament. Applied for French and German at St.John's, but was offered only German at St.Hilda's (AAB) in October. Just after anyones opinion on the college, and whether it would be possible to take up another language when I get there. Don't see myself as an all-girls-college sort of person......

Firstly, you are actually really lucky because Hilda's has an exceptional reputation for languages. Seriously, it's absolutely the best college for ML (and gets the best results), especially as one of the only professors in German is a fellow here. You should definitely go and look round before you make any decisions. I'm not sure about taking up another language. It might be worth checking with the college, but I know lots of people have managed to change courses successfully. Good luck!!!