The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Sure there's crime but its not like if you walk around town there are people dressed in black carrying tv sets/swag bags everywhere :p:
Reply 2
Well from what I've heard, the whole Oxford Road area is to be avoided due to the problems which you mentioned in your first post. How far is the Oxford Road from the Uni?
Reply 3
There's bad areas everywhere. And to be honest, unless you make yourself a target by flashing phones and stuff everywhere, or by walking around, face looking at the ground like you're scared or something, then you'll be fine. So many times I've been in dodgy areas (in London) at night or whatever and somehow never had trouble. It's all about body language and not looking for trouble :wink:.
Television says a lot of things. A recent programme also said Reading is the sixth up-and-coming place to buy in the whole of England yadda, yadda (although I do like Location,Location,Location)

It's all about body language and not looking for trouble

I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that :p:
Reply 5
I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that :p:

Well yeah, granted. But it helps :p:
Reply 6
I never had a problem the year I was there, and that included one memorable time in Freshers' Week when I ended up wandering around the town centre in the small hours, trying to find the way back to Hall...
I am in year 13 and have lived in Reading since i was 2, so i think i can gvie you a pretty decent round up of it. The suburb i live in, is quite rough, its on the back of a 'council estate' had the car broken in to 5 months ago, but in 16 years thats happened twice, and one attempted break in to the house, which my dog stoped as soon as they got in to the garden!

The university area is not a bad area at all.

Oxford road is notorious for crime, drugs, prostitution, shootings, but i go down there if i need during the day when i am in town, i have never had a problem there, but it certainly has a bad reputation and the odd shooting every 6 months or so, but like i said, during the day i have never had a problem there, and i have been there many times, but never at night (not because i wont, but because i never needed to)

Oh and Oxford road is quite a distance form the university, its on the opposite side of the town center that the uni is closeset to, so sevral miles.

The average crimes in reading are on par with the national average, well slightly higher, but less then places such as bristol. You have nothing to worry about if you come here, thou there are a large number of chavs, which is annoying but i only been started on once, and nothing bad came of it.
i live in Reading too. theres no more crime here than there is in any other large town. as for oxford road, i used to work down there (not as a hooker!) so i had to walk there and back from town every day and i never had any problems.
Reply 9
I'm an Oxford Road boy born and bred all my life:smile: We've got our problems but the Uni is totally on the other side.
I know this doesn't have much to do with crime in reading in general but how likely is it that your room could get broken into in halls, say it was known or thought u had something expensive in it, i dunno, is it heard of i guess im asking?
Reply 11
I haven't heard of any hall rooms getting broken into. I'm in St. Patricks on the ground floor. I regularly go out leaving my curtains open for everyone to see all my stuff everywhere, including laptop etc on desk. A large amount of the time I go off without even locking the door, but this isn't something I would recommend! One thing I did hear however was that someone had their Playstation stolen from their room after they left their window open in the first couple of days, but nothing since.

Just be sensible, lock doors and windows when your not in your room, and you should be okay...

Reply 12
its known for its crime but to be honest its like any other place, if you're sensible, stay away from certain places ect and you will be fine.

campus, town etc are fine, where I live down in an area off the wokingham road its fine too,
Reply 13
I've been physically attacked in Reading (was bitten by some freak), and I was also mugged at Forbury Gardens by some wigger and his black midget accomplice. This was in 2001, though, so it was quite a while ago.

I guess there are parts of Reading I wouldn't go to. There's a fair amount of gun crime in certain areas, too, but one can avoid those areas.

Edit: Was just watching BBC News. Apparently there was an attempted murder outside a pub in Reading a night or two ago...
Reply 14
There's crime everywhere though. A big place like London is sure to be worse than say Reading though...
Oh yey! I carnt wait to get shot and stabbed! Just curious...anyone know where I can get a gun and stab proof vest?
Ikea i think :smile:
Ikea i think :smile:


With instructions on how to assemble them yourself. Gunpowder included.
Reply 18
Dunno about you guys, but I'm not taking any chances! I'm buying the full riot gear. You never know what to expect these days.

I also bought a riot truck. It has room inside, so should we need to leave the safety of our halls, we'll be okay inside I think. Fireproof, windproof, bulletproof. A right titan!

Me with my friends and new van in Reading, yesterday
I don't know about you Pandy - but I just don't think it'll be safe enough.

Like the van. (Although you didn't say whether it was waterproof)