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Reply 40
As with everything in life, yes it would, all things being equal.

I agree it may make a difference, I'm just not sure which way. There was a program on a while ago about how when people were asked to rate how intelligent someone was, just by looking at them, it tended to have a strong negative correlation with the rankings people gave them for attractiveness. There could be subconscious leanings either way.
Reply 41
I dont know. I've only been to Cambridge twice and it seems to have mostly attractive people, even the 'geeks' arent THAT bad. meh maybe i am easily impressed, but its certainly better than Nottingham (from the students i saw at the open day).
edit- i am talking about the guys btw. I dont know about the girls, i dont remember

That's because Nottingham's known for having more girls than boys and some of the hottest girls in the country. They can't have it both ways. Only Manchester (pre-UMIST) does better on those stakes.

A little like Russia, as a friend of mine once said: "A country blessed with some of the most beautiful women in the world, and most of the ugliest men".
Reply 42
I dont know. I've only been to Cambridge twice and it seems to have mostly attractive people, even the 'geeks' arent THAT bad. meh maybe i am easily impressed, but its certainly better than Nottingham (from the students i saw at the open day).
edit- i am talking about the guys btw. I dont know about the girls, i dont remember

When I visited Nottingham for an interview, the male ski and snowboard society were on the steps outside the Portland Building having pictures taken, and they were HOT!! You missed out :wink:
Reply 43
I think many countries have fine drinks and lack beautiful women, and vice versa. I mean, Sweden's hardly known for it's drinks, neither is Brazil, or really Spain (however they obviously have some nice drinks). Similarly German or Belgium beer.

Yes, I'm just being a picky ass :wink:
I think it depends by what you mean by good-looking.

I think some-one who looks personable, approachable and animated when talking about their subject will impress.

Some-one who may look cool , glamorous - whatever - won't cut it if they don't know their stuff or are so busy posing that they lose the plot.

To come back to Helenia's point - all things being equal - however unlikely that is in practice - the "better looking" candidate will win out - but it isn't about model-type looks, it's about looking credible and teachable and the candidate with an attractive personality is going to have the advantage.
The fact I got in, plus Bayes' theorum, means the answer is probably yes
Reply 46
Man, this thread will only make the ugly people even more depressed... i mean what can they do...go and have plastic surgery, wear a paper bag over their heads during the interview?

I say this is an anti ugly people thread! It's an outrage i say! all ugly people should go and kill all the pretty people at interviews so that they would be choosen...or everytime a rejection come through they should take oxford to court accusing ox of being "ugly-ist" and then b*gger off to Harvard (hey, we've all done it before!). and then the SUN will do a coverage of it (with random naked women and a baby with 2 know, to spice things up) with the headline:

"UGLY ducking rejected by OXFORD due to the mole on his/her face. Enraged Mole off to Harvard!!!"

"Straight A student with 9million Alevels including ancient egyptology and that-one-we-never-heard-of was rejected by oxford due to his ugly face. Only to be accepted 1 week later by a pleading telephone call from harvard offering him full scholarship and 80% of the Harvard law school. Straight A Student was enraged to find out that the place at oxford was given to a fellow good looking applicant from Eton, whose 'daddy' knew the head of Oxford uni.

Oxford was taken to court and made to make an official apology to the straight A student and pay for the full cost of his plastic surgery, which totals up to Xmillion-the exact amount needed to build the Animal testing center. A great day for animal right's supporters and the ugly guy...not so good for the soon-to-be-gone mole on his face. Now lets all give a 3 minute silence to the Mole and look at some more naked women! Wooo!"

man, headache+hayfever+can't sleep drive you to do crazy things and no i know i'm not funny. this is a very serious matter people! Poor in peace
Reply 47
Traum it sounds like you need some rest. :wink:

Anyhow regardless of the outcome of this poll, I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own right. If you think you're ugly yourself, how can you expect anyone else to look at you favourably? Have confidence and know that you're beautiful in every aspect of the word.
Reply 48
not everyone is beautiful... that's just like saying everyone is white in their own way (i.e. compared to others or white within) and that's just not true.

I mean Vicky Pollard isn't beautiful (i challenge someone to prove me wrong!)...
Reply 49
not everyone is beautiful... that's just like saying everyone is white in their own way (i.e. compared to others or white within) and that's just not true.

I mean Vicky Pollard isn't beautiful (i challenge someone to prove me wrong!)...

That's a bad example Traum. White is not relative, but beautiful is.

If you just believe in yourself and understand the fact that beauty is more than skin-deep, that's all you really need to get you going.
Yeah I agree with Knogle, but I'm still buff.
Reply 51
Of course being good looking helps. Its extremely important in getting in here. I mean, just go look in our Engineering, Maths, Compsi, physical Natsci and Classics lectures. Absolute FITTIES all round. Beats the **** out of any italian catwalk you might come across, hands down.
Seriously though, being called ugly is probably one of the worst things in the world. I would never dream of calling people that to their face, it can really ruin their esteem.
Reply 54
I think in terms of the Oxbridge interview looks don't matter that much, more personality. I mean you can be sex on legs but come across abnoxious and intimidating. A warm and charasmatic personality I think would appear much more impressive and convey a better sense of 'teachability' to an interviewer. Looks is probably an added bonus in the end, but if you don't have confidence in speaking and you don't demonstrate an inquisitive mind/determination, the best chiseled jaw or hourglass figure in the world couldn't save you from rejection
Reply 55
That's a bad example Traum. White is not relative, but beautiful is.

If you just believe in yourself and understand the fact that beauty is more than skin-deep, that's all you really need to get you going.

Yea it is... i mean what else is Asian-white mix then? Relatively white compared to pure asians :p: (i know im stretching it...oh well)

Beauty may be more than skin - deep, but the tutors aren't exactly gonna see into your soul (n i'm sure all ugly people have beautiful souls n all beautiful people are scums) within 30min, whilst trying to find out if you're actually clever (n may be clever within blah blah... but who cares...)
Reply 56
Seriously though, being called ugly is probably one of the worst things in the world. I would never dream of calling people that to their face, it can really ruin their esteem.

the key phrase being "to their face"...i.e. talking about it behind their back is ok
the key phrase being "to their face"...i.e. talking about it behind their back is ok its not:frown:
Reply 58
I think in terms of the Oxbridge interview looks don't matter that much.....
True, but like you're suggesting, they probably do subconsciously matter (to a limited extent) because t'is human nature.
Reply 59
Yeah but its not like its to the extent of 'Ugly people need not apply! We have had too many sexually appealing applications this academic year!'