The Student Room Group
Reply 1
is it the ONLY reason ur looking forward to uni, or one of them?
Reply 2
Looking forward to Uni to get away from things and start afresh is hardly a bad reason. It's one reason for me going from south east England up to Edinburgh - far away and a new leaf :smile:
Reply 3
is it the ONLY reason ur looking forward to uni, or one of them?
. It's One of the reasons. Obviously, I'm looking forward to studying what i like and meeting different people and all that stuff, but it is quite a big reason
Reply 4
thats ok then. i think to a certain degree EVERYONE moving away is looking forward to living with new people. As long as your not using uni just as an escape route. but yeah i think a lot of people look forward to getting away from family, me anyway! :smile:
Reply 5
When I first went to uni (1985!) I spent all summer waiting for the day when I'd finally be getting away from my parents. When I did get away I went wild, did everything, had a ******* good time and hardly ever spoke to my parents for about the next 10 years.
I know now how much it upset them. Having my own children now I can say that even if you don't get on at all they will still love you deep down... They may hate your behaviour if you're anything like I was but they'll still love you.
Try and remember when you're away that they will be worried sick about you and so be nice and keep in touch! :smile:
Enjoy uni and good luck.
i can't wait either, it will be nice to be with people that are on the same wave length after taking a year out and having my parents bang on at me 24 7
Reply 7
One of the reasons I'm looking forward to uni is to leave home. [rant] I want to prove myself as an adult because my mum is constantly making me irate by telling me I supposedly don't act like an adult despite being alot more mature than most people the same age. I'm sick of my parents always breathing down my neck at everything I do, they can't wrap me up in a ball and keep me there for the rest of my life. I need to live!![/rant]
So, to the OP, yes. :smile:
I am also looking forward to uni for the independence. I get on with my parents most of the time but I look forward to doing a lot more for myself and being in a position where I have to look after myself. I am looking forward to the studying aspect too though and meeting lots of nice people!
I know EXACTLY how u feel, maybe because i feel the same :frown:, my parents drive me mad. the only 3 reasons im looking forward to going to uni are:

1) Leave mum and dad behind forever!
2) sex & social life
3) get to learn something

However, i dont know if im looking forward as much to the 3rd one...
*grins* I'm looking forward to uni so that I can start afresh and be who I am now, not just the geekish reputation I earned when I was 13 and no longer deserve. I get on very well with my parents, but I'm still looking forward to going a bit mad... :p:
Yep. I absolutely can't wait to get out of my mum's house. I don't get on with her at all.