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I want to study astrophysics but need help picking A-levels

so I am currently in year 11 and have to pick my A-levels pretty soon but due to the way the timetables work i cannot do what I originally wanted to do and after looking into it I have decided I really want to study Astrophysics at uni so I was wondering what would be the best A level choices...
I am definitely doing
maths a2
physics a2
art as
further maths as (in year 13)
but i need a final choice, any help? thanks

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Original post by honor.dunham
so I am currently in year 11 and have to pick my A-levels pretty soon but due to the way the timetables work i cannot do what I originally wanted to do and after looking into it I have decided I really want to study Astrophysics at uni so I was wondering what would be the best A level choices...
I am definitely doing
maths a2
physics a2
art as
further maths as (in year 13)
but i need a final choice, any help? thanks

You should do as much maths as possible :smile: Nothing will be more useful! Maybe you should take further maths to an A2?
Reply 2
maybe an essay subject to show that skill - e.g. geography, history, english. Once you have the essentials, picking ones your interested in is generally a good call.
Reply 3
Maybe chemistry AS instead of art??

Posted from TSR Mobile
I'd go with:

Maths A2
Further Maths A2
Physics A2

Then something to show logic and reasoning to set yourself apart, maybe Philosophy or English?
Reply 5
But then you need a calmer fourth subject...

Posted from TSR Mobile
Art will take up all your time :no:
Original post by CJM13
I'd go with:

Maths A2
Further Maths A2
Physics A2

Then something to show logic and reasoning to set yourself apart, maybe Philosophy or English?

>logic and reasoning
>maths, further maths and physics
Reply 8
Best advice I could give to anyone in this position (and what I did in year 11 for my choices) -- go onto university websites and look at the prospectuses and under the astrophysics course, you'll see the subjects they want you to do.

Make sure you have these subjects, and then choose a subject you will enjoy doing in the AS year too (I picked Geography), and a subject that is closely relevant to your course, Astrophysics, but not a requirement (so I chose DT).

I am going to study Mechanical Engineering, and I chose Geography and Further Maths (over yr12 and 13) AS's, and Maths, Physics and Design Technology for A2's

Good luck :smile:
Reply 9
A2 further maths will be far more useful than anything else.
Reply 10
I'd recommend the further maths A level, but if that's out of the question then Chemistry's a good idea. As for studying astrophysics, I'd advise studying a general physics degree and then specialising your modules to favour astrophysics is you enjoy it. You don't have enough information until university level to know what you'll enjoy.
Reply 11
Original post by
Maybe chemistry AS instead of art??

Posted from TSR Mobile

I was thinking of chemistry but while I get a*s in most my subjects chemistry is my weakest with only getting a B and maybe scraping an A depending on my final exams this summer, do you think not being so good at chemistry will effect it?
Reply 12
Original post by tory88
I'd recommend the further maths A level, but if that's out of the question then Chemistry's a good idea. As for studying astrophysics, I'd advise studying a general physics degree and then specialising your modules to favour astrophysics is you enjoy it. You don't have enough information until university level to know what you'll enjoy.

I was thinking about doing further maths A level but I was slightly worried it might bring my grades down a bit compared to something else and do you know how doing an astrophysics degree would compare to general physics in later life if i did then decide to go into something astro physics related?
thanks :smile:
Maths, Further Maths and Physics obviously.
I personally wouldn't do Art as some friends of mine in Sixth Form have said that it is quite tough and takes up a lot of time. Chemistry would be good or if you don't like that, then maybe a humanities subject.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 14
Original post by Nia_Beth
Best advice I could give to anyone in this position (and what I did in year 11 for my choices) -- go onto university websites and look at the prospectuses and under the astrophysics course, you'll see the subjects they want you to do.

Make sure you have these subjects, and then choose a subject you will enjoy doing in the AS year too (I picked Geography), and a subject that is closely relevant to your course, Astrophysics, but not a requirement (so I chose DT).

I am going to study Mechanical Engineering, and I chose Geography and Further Maths (over yr12 and 13) AS's, and Maths, Physics and Design Technology for A2's

Good luck :smile:

thanks that's really useful, i have been looking at the courses for a while now and all they really want is physics, maths and occasionally an As in further maths, i was thinking about doing geography but didn't really know how useful it would be?
Reply 15
Original post by StudentNath
Maths, Further Maths and Physics obviously.
I personally wouldn't do Art as some friends of mine in Sixth Form have said that it is quite tough and takes up a lot of time. Chemistry would be good or if you don't like that, then maybe a humanities subject.

Posted from TSR Mobile

I am only planning of doing art as an As as it is a big passion of mine and i wanted to carry it on for as long as possible, i am willing to put in the extra time for it to compensate, do you think i would be better to do a full further maths A level instead of As or do something like philosophy instead and just have an As in further maths?
thanks :smile:
Reply 16
Original post by
But then you need a calmer fourth subject...

Posted from TSR Mobile

Art is my relaxing subject so thats all good :smile:
Reply 17
Original post by + polarity -
Art will take up all your time :no:

luckily for me i have no life and I am willing to put in the extra time needed for art
Reply 18
Original post by honor.dunham
thanks that's really useful, i have been looking at the courses for a while now and all they really want is physics, maths and occasionally an As in further maths, i was thinking about doing geography but didn't really know how useful it would be?

As much as geography can be long, I found that it showed me really good techniques in answering long questions, and using sources and (obviously) about the world and economy and energy and stuff like that.

I suppose it isn't directly related to astrophysics but its a good subject to take if you enjoy it at GCSE. It opened my eyes to the amazing planet in terms of demographics, the economy and stuff like the physical earth and how physics plays a part in it.

I reckon you do this (if possible):

Art - if you love the subject - at AS
Geography or Chemistry for AS

Maths, Physics and Further Maths at A2.
If you can't do f.maths at A2 (like me cus my school is retarded lol), do chemistry at A2. It's relevant to Astrophysics moreso than geography or art :smile:
Maths, Further Maths, Chem, Physics. Drop Chem for A2.

No point messing around with Art AS; it'll be completely irrelevant and incredibly hard to get high marks on due to the nature of it.