The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Has anyone ever heard of the pointhorror/point crime books i just wondered because i personally think they are really good but have never heard anyone else talk about them!

Ah, that takes me back! My fave was the POint Horror story, 'The Beach house'... hard to believe it freaked me out lol. I foud most of them to be a bit weak tho, I had a fave author but can't recall his name.... (R.L Stein or summat??)

Didn't ever read a point crime story, but I know for sure my mum got me a point Romance one out of the library once and I was not impressed lol

Did u ever read the Goosebumps books? I liked them better.
Reply 2
Ah, that takes me back! My fave was the POint Horror story, 'The Beach house'... hard to believe it freaked me out lol. I foud most of them to be a bit weak tho, I had a fave author but can't recall his name.... (R.L Stein or summat??)

Didn't ever read a point crime story, but I know for sure my mum got me a point Romance one out of the library once and I was not impressed lol

Did u ever read the Goosebumps books? I liked them better.

i read goosebumps, they were somewhat entertaining
Reply 3
i read goosebumps, they were somewhat entertaining

i just liked them for the front covers mainly - they were all bobbly :smile:

The TV programme was quite weak, but it scared my little sister so amused me slightly more. Oh, how cruel children can be lol.
Reply 4
i just liked them for the front covers mainly - they were all bobbly :smile:

The TV programme was quite weak, but it scared my little sister so amused me slightly more. Oh, how cruel children can be lol.

i used to have a goosebumps board game called something graveyard, bot it when i was maybe 6, it terriefied me so i didn't paly it very much lol
Reply 5
i read goosebumps, they were somewhat entertaining

lol... i found that goosebumps was quite corny to be honest but at least it can give me a laugh!!
Reply 6
Has anyone ever heard of the pointhorror/point crime books i just wondered because i personally think they are really good but have never heard anyone else talk about them!

Point Horror books were class. I started reading them in Year 5, starting with Halloween Night by R. L. Stine. I always used to enjoy sitting in a bookshop choosing which book to buy next; I always found it quite difficult to make a decision. For a while, they were the only books I ever read

The Goosebumps series was considered the kiddy versions of Point Horror. I only ever read Monster Blood IV, which was an American edition and I think they were different to UK versions. I was rather curious about Point Crime, Point Romance and Point books but I never read any of those.

R. L. Stine is The Daddy!
Reply 7
Wow, Point Horror! That takes me back! :biggrin: I remember reading Hit and Run quite distinctly because the part about the guy's skin peeling off his skull in one place freaked me out. :tongue:
Reply 8
Goosebumps books greatly contributed to my fear of ventriloquist dummies.
Reply 9
Wow, I remember them, used to love them. My housemate still does, she regularly reads them, and she's 22!
Reply 10
Ahhhhhh nostalgia! I used to read Point Horrors. I'm glad that people still do and they haven't faded away. I can't remember any particular ones, except for Call Waiting. That was so lame! It annoyed me beyond belief :mad:
Lol, yeh....i went through a phase where I was addicted to reading them a few years ago. They were quite good but i had forgotten about them....ah reminds me of when I didn't have to worry about anything..
Reply 12
I used to love Point Horrors. R.L. Stine was great, but I recently read one of his proper books (for grown-ups and everything), called Superstitious, and it was one of the worst books I've ever read! Huge steaming pile of turd!
Reply 13
Point Horror! Classic! Can't remember what it was called but I liked the one where the girl wore a ring and it made her hear what people were thinking - she found out that nobody really liked her but she couldn't get the ring off, so she ended up chopping her own finger off!! :eek: I think someone else found it at the end and you just knew they were goin to put it on.... spooky dooky stuff!!
Reply 14
Yeah....I remember them...not sure how I got hooked on buying & reading them....but they are definatly good books. I have about 10-15 books in the Point Series, Crime, Horror & Romance.....
Reply 15
I used to be totally obsessed by Point Horrors (liked Goosebumps too). My older cousin loaned me a couple when I was staying over at her house and got me hooked when I was about eight or nine. Then I read Lord of the Rings and got hooked on fantasy instead :biggrin:
Reply 16
Ah I remeber them... point horror, point crime (and point romance, never read them) I think I've read most of the point h/c serires...

There were soem very well writen ones... some were a bit cheesy. I learnt to not to read the babysitter style ones when I was babysitting... you have no idea how scary a phone can be!!

I used to like Goosebumps... I could read them in 30mins and some would really freak me out... but I was younger then...

Just googled for Point Horror... The Point Horror plot generator

"Eva is a normal girl in Plymouth High and is friends with Abi and Nicole. She has a terrible fear of tissues. One day she hears a Sam snogged a vampire called Ms Johnston who is famous because she jumped off a tower and linked with Eva eerily because they are unknown twins. A little while after she meets Luke who is the coolest guy in Plymouth High and yet likes her. They decide to go to the Prom together. But she soon begins to be afraid of Ms Johnston who seems to be after her blood. She finds tissues in her pocket and in her house. She finds letters scrawled, signed by Ms Johnston, threatening her with death. Nicole starts acting strangely, she suspects Luke and her arch-enemy Kelly, who seems intent on stealing her spotlight and Luke from her. One night, Eva is alone with Abi in the Victoria Park and very nervous because she is on the look out for Ms Johnston, as well as avoiding Luke, Nicole, and Kelly. Suddenly, Abi reveals that they are unknown twins, and then attacks Eva with a empty VK bottles, and Eva is forced to fight back with a empty fag packet. Abi appears to be stopped momentarily at least, so Eva runs away and is found by Luke and Nicole who has a perfectly rational explanation for her strange behaviour. Abi dies horribly and Luke and Eva go to the Prom together, much to the dismay of Kelly."

LOL! Sounds like the normal story line!
Reply 17
viviki is a normal girl in Sweet Valley High and is friends with kristin and amelia. She has a terrible fear of spiders. One day she hears a legend about ghost who is famous because slit her wrists in the bathtub and linked with viviki eerily because they both have a birthmark on their bottom. A little while after she meets jon who is the coolest guy in Sweet Valley High and yet likes her. They decide to go to the the prom together. But she soon begins to be afraid of ghost who seems to be after her blood. She finds spiders in her pocket and in her house. She finds letters scrawled, signed by ghost, threatening her with death. amelia starts acting strangely, she suspects jon and her arch-enemy melanie, who seems intent on stealing her spotlight and jon from her. One night, viviki is alone with kristin in the the park and very nervous because she is on the look out for ghost, as well as avoiding jon, amelia, and melanie. Suddenly, kristin reveals that they both have a birthmark on their bottom, and then attacks viviki with a tree, and viviki is forced to fight back with a swing. kristin appears to be stopped momentarily at least, so viviki runs away and is found by jon and amelia who has a perfectly rational explanation for her strange behaviour. kristin dies horribly and jon and viviki go to the the prom together, much to the dismay of melanie.

hehe its quite amusing