The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Arginine vasopressin? Think it's normally just called vasopressin though (or ADH).

If you tell me what the context is I can tell you for sure!
AVP? never heard of that before apart from a film called alien vs predator :biggrin:
Reply 3
Adenovirus Proteinase? Antiviral protein? Arginine Vasopressin?

Be more specific.
Reply 4
Give us a context to put it in!
Reply 5
alternate valid points on the mark schemes? :P
Reply 6
Any Viable Point = Any other point that makes sense.
Reply 7
yes, i think tat's wat he meant.
n tat's d answer i was looking for 2! thx a lot... looked thru whole stack of marking schemes, but can't seem to find d explaination on any of d keys
Given it's on this board I'd say the first reply was correct - arginine vasopressin, another name for anti-diuretic hormone (ADH).
alternative valid point