The Student Room Group

Leeds self catered Accom - Henry Price???

Hi :smile:

I'm starting the Psychology Course at Leeds Uni in September and was wondering what people thought would be best accomodation wise?

I definately want to go self catered and be on, or fairly close to the campus itself - ensuite is also appealing, but now Im probably just being demanding!!

Henry Price looked pretty good but I've heard mixed opinions on it - some say great, others say cold and cramped???

I need advice from those who know, very badly!!!


Eleanor xx
Reply 1

im in the same position as you but with catered....finding a place which is on/near campus with the facilties i want/need.

Henry price does look good. large but not too large (440ppl) and on campus.

looks nicely kitted out.
Reply 2
Clarence Dock is nice, I lived there, its a bit more pricey though. Not a big fan of Henry Price, purely because the buildings are big imposing '60's style concrete towers, not very appealing. You can't get much closer to campus though, excellent for those 9 o'clock lectures when your friends at Bodington have been up since 7 to get on the bus in time and you roll out of bed at 8:50 and into the lecture theatre!
Reply 3
I'm wondering what accomodation to go for too... but i'm leaning towards catered... on/near campus .... en-suite ... sociable... internet

don't think it exists :frown:
Reply 4
I'm wondering what accomodation to go for too... but i'm leaning towards catered... on/near campus .... en-suite ... sociable... internet

don't think it exists :frown:

tell me about it.... :mad:
Reply 5
im hoping to do dentistry at leeds. i wanna do self catering and thought boddington and clarence dock look like best 2. is boddington really that far from campus cause it sounds well good.
Reply 6
Boddington is definately the furthest - I think Clarence Dock looks pretty good too - right in the city centre as well!!
Reply 7
im hoping to do dentistry at leeds. i wanna do self catering and thought boddington and clarence dock look like best 2. is boddington really that far from campus cause it sounds well good.

Go for Clarance Dock, I know I'm biased but Bod seems to attract a certain type of very bitchy girl!
Reply 8
Hi! I'm coming to Leeds uni Business school this septemer to study for MA in advertising and marketing. So now I am also looking for a good place where to live. I will be very greatful for a good advice.
Sentinel Towers seem to be cool as rooms are en-suite, it has internet and is within walking distance to the Uni. But they say on their web-site that it is especially good for the students who need peaceful environment. Why? Does it mean that there is no social life there and I will be bored and alone all the time?!?!? :smile: :confused:
Reply 9
I looked round the accom on Sat, and to be honest Henry Price was a bit of a dump. Devonshire will be my choice.
Yeah, I looked around the accomodation too - HP was a bit grotty but have applied for it anyway - The School Of Psy is 2 seconds away which swung it for me (I HATE buses lol)
Reply 11
Yeah, I looked around the accomodation too - HP was a bit grotty but have applied for it anyway - The School Of Psy is 2 seconds away which swung it for me (I HATE buses lol)

Exactly, I think the main thing that Henry Price has going for it is the fact that its so close to uni, a big plus when you consider places like Bod are about 5 miles away and you have to leave at 8 to have anychance of making it to a 0 o'clock lecture on time
Reply 12
Hi! I'm coming to Leeds uni Business school this septemer to study for MA in advertising and marketing. So now I am also looking for a good place where to live. I will be very greatful for a good advice.
Sentinel Towers seem to be cool as rooms are en-suite, it has internet and is within walking distance to the Uni. But they say on their web-site that it is especially good for the students who need peaceful environment. Why? Does it mean that there is no social life there and I will be bored and alone all the time?!?!? :smile: :confused:

i wondered about that when i was applying. it did look nice.

having said that, so did leodis but when i went to have a look, it was horrible!!! :biggrin:
Reply 13
i wondered about that when i was applying. it did look nice.

having said that, so did leodis but when i went to have a look, it was horrible!!! :biggrin:

So, are you advising me to apply to Sentinel Towers then?
Reply 14
So, are you advising me to apply to Sentinel Towers then?

up to you. if its got all the features that you want then go for it, but personally id go and have a look (if youve not already). like i said, i was very close to applying to leodis but really didnt like it when i had a look. so so pleased i went.
Reply 15
up to you. if its got all the features that you want then go for it, but personally id go and have a look (if youve not already). like i said, i was very close to applying to leodis but really didnt like it when i had a look. so so pleased i went.

Where are you applying? I cannot go and have a look - i am not from the UK... I'm from Belarus, so I'd be greatful for a good advice!
Reply 16
Where are you applying? I cannot go and have a look - i am not from the UK... I'm from Belarus, so I'd be greatful for a good advice!

oh i see! sorry! well im personally applying to james baille. it's in a nice location and its got en suite facilities :biggrin: but the internet is pay as you go which isnt ideal. i didnt want to be on campus because i want to take my car and parking's limited there.