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Reply 1
Yes! Finally someone else. I am trying to revise it today. The thing is is there's nothing to it, its so simple. I've been told the main themes are money war and family, but dunno how I could write an essay on them. Havent found any good sites either, soz not being much help here! Also being a new book it's quite annoying, coz we dunno wot to expect.

Are you AQA A? doing spies or the millers tale by any chance?
Reply 2
Yeah I'm doing both of those too! I know there's not much too it, but within exam conditions it's hard to write so much on such a broad theme. Do you happen to know what the questions were in January?
Tryong to revise Spies too...what a joke! lol
Chaucer isn 't too bad, but i've not started yet.
How's your revision going?
Reply 4

my revision is not going too good. Millers tale actually is fine. Just written loads in back. Spies grrrrr thats worse than all my sons. I did the module in january, but messed it up so I'm havin to retake.

The question(s) in january for all my sons was:

A critic has written the Millers plays shows us that happiness can only be achieved by making moral compromises. To what extent does this claim apply to all my sons. OR Remind yourself of the plays opening as far as the exit of bert. How far do you agree with the view that, in terms of subject matter and style, this section forms an effective introduction to the play?

Man, I cannot wait to give up english! just got to get an A first .... :rolleyes:
Reply 5
I see... don't know what to think about those questions lol! i know, i need an A too....really do. Spies is just gna mess that up for me!!!
Reply 6
I'm bricking it for English Lit on Friday... I know the texts, but that's just about it! I don't know how I'm going to be able to write for 3 hours straight, agh!

For All My Sons, I think there are more themes to "money, war, family" as you've put it. What about denial, guilt, justice, social responsibilities, morality, remose, love, truth and deceit...?
I guess a good thing is that all of these can be combined into an essay, but perhaps that makes it harder to write!

As for The Miller's Tale - I know nothing about the historic context! agh!
Reply 7
Yes! Finally someone else. I am trying to revise it today. The thing is is there's nothing to it, its so simple. I've been told the main themes are money war and family, but dunno how I could write an essay on them. Havent found any good sites either, soz not being much help here! Also being a new book it's quite annoying, coz we dunno wot to expect.

Are you AQA A? doing spies or the millers tale by any chance?

ive got exactly the same books, spies, the millers tale and all my sons and i honestly dont know which one of them is the worst!! ive got like three days left and clue whats possibly coming up and how to answer it

Hopefully the All My Sons one will be alright, worrying about that though because it's so...blah. Feels like there's not a lot to say on it.

My english teacher pointed out that for Miller's Tale the last three exams have had passages that follow on from each other for the extract question. The next one if the patern continues is the scene where Nicholas is in his room stairing up at the ceiling and John comes in, and they discuss the 'future' and Nicholas fools John into the flood plot. Also the final scene with the window/fart/poker hasn't come up yet apparantly, so they're the two I'm concentrating on. Also Nicholas and John haven't come up yet as far as I'm aware for the other question. Neither has the fabliaux idea.
Ah, I'm doing All My Sons too, does everyone feel that they are being lulled into a false sense of security with this book. It seems way too simple for an AS text? Arrrrr!

I'd say that the main theme is dellusion and the emptiness of the American dream. The latter is especially significant when you consider that Miller was questioned about communist tendancies by the US government and about being anti-American.

Hmmm, hope one of the questions is ok!

Any one doing The Spire by Golding? Arrrrr, now THAT's hard!

Never mind, it'll all be over by friday afternoon!
Reply 10
ha ha me also like to study law, however, considering the headache an old and confused man e.g. michael frayn or stephen for that matter, gives me, i doubt i`ll succeed :///
how many times have you guys read the book(s)?
Reply 11
oh and my teacher said she thinks its very likely theyre gonna ask something about the first or last chapter and how effective it is...anyone know how to do that properly? like certain key points that will get you marks?
For AQA its more likely to be the first cos the last chapter was a question in Jnauary.
Reply 13
Doing the same combo as some on this thread, Spies, All My Sons & Miller's Tale... Feeling Ok about All My Sons.. think I know about whats going on with the themes and what Miller's trying to get at but don't exactly know how a question would go, Hating Spies and not sure about Millers tale

Good Luck for Friday Guys
Reply 14
For AQA its more likely to be the first cos the last chapter was a question in Jnauary.

hmm ok what about the first then? i cant think of much more to say than the germany/england theme already coming up .. and the privet bush..but no way ill be able to write about it 1 hour..
Reply 15
yeha they gotta put something to do with privet in! Frayn's obssessed by it
Ooh sorry I mean the opening scene of All My Sons, not Spies.
Reply 17
hellohello12 - you're an absolute star.
Reply 18
Frayns pretty big on all his motifs, maybe theyll be a question about them all? that bloody scarf, grrrr
Reply 19
does anyone know for all my sons if you're allowed to have things underlined in the text, or does it have to be a completely blank copy? also, would we be likely to get a question about someone such as george, because it really doesnt seem there would be that much to say!