The Student Room Group
I am looking for some work experience in a laboratory/scientific environment so that hopefully this will aid me next year when I graduate and start looking for jobs.

So far Im not having much luck! Ive written to various companies, hospitals, etc, none of whom have replied.

Has anyone on here had any success geting work experience in a laboratory?

Yes, it is possible. The secret is persistance. Also use the phone - it is harder to ignore a real person than a letter.

Try recruitment agencies in your area as well.
I am looking for some work experience in a laboratory/scientific environment so that hopefully this will aid me next year when I graduate and start looking for jobs.

So far Im not having much luck! Ive written to various companies, hospitals, etc, none of whom have replied.

Has anyone on here had any success geting work experience in a laboratory?

Just go to various research groups at your uni that you're interested in and ask them if they would take you on for the summer. Most universities run the UROP (Undergrad Research Opportunity Placement) scheme and you can apply to work at any university that operates this scheme. Just go on and website and type in UROP in the search box, simple. There will be current projects that are available and the name of the person running them, just get in touch and hopefully they'll have a place. I hear they get filled up very fast though, as its very good pay (some about £250/week doing a job that is in a very relaxed/easy paced atmosphere).

On a personal note, yeh I'm doing the UROP scheme working on a NASA project being run at Imperial on combustion processes this summer. Looking forward to it :smile: .
Reply 3
Is it too late to apply for a UROP placement at Imperial for this summer? There are a number listed but it is difficult to tell if they have been filled or if they were for last year!
Rach 2nd
Is it too late to apply for a UROP placement at Imperial for this summer? There are a number listed but it is difficult to tell if they have been filled or if they were for last year!

Only one way to find out - get in touch with the people running those projects. I think it gives their name on the Imperial UROP pages and see if things are still open, would get on it quick though as UROP bursary forms need to be filled in and assessed etc etc.
Reply 5
Well, I asked if one of the projects I was interested in was still open but got a negative response. I didn't want to ask if any of his colleagues were still accepting applications because that would just make me sound disinterested in that particular project. It does say to apply as early as possible, starting in the autumn, so I think it's unlikely that there will be any openings a couple of weeks before the likely start dates. It's ashame I didn't hear about this scheme earlier as it is impossible to find internships open to first-years, let alone relevent ones! Oh well....
Rach 2nd
Well, I asked if one of the projects I was interested in was still open but got a negative response. I didn't want to ask if any of his colleagues were still accepting applications because that would just make me sound disinterested in that particular project. It does say to apply as early as possible, starting in the autumn, so I think it's unlikely that there will be any openings a couple of weeks before the likely start dates. It's ashame I didn't hear about this scheme earlier as it is impossible to find internships open to first-years, let alone relevent ones! Oh well....

Yeh, well I wouldn't let one put you off, just contact all the ones there. Its true about applying early though, I netted my placement very early in the 2nd term. Since then the one I'm doing has had 20 applications, but they were all turned down cause it was already taken. Maybe try a university closer to home? You're allowed to go to any university as long as the group leader accepts you.
Reply 7
Hello, I'm a scientist and take regular work placement students. I have loads of applications and I can only take a few people so don't be discouraged if you keep getting negative responses, just keep sending out letters. There is a good link on biograd facebook page with advice for getting student placements in bioscience. I must have contacted 100 people for my first break, once I had a foot in the door things were much easier so keep trying and good luck!
Reply 8
I have been rejected by several placement years, because apparently I do not have the required lab experience/techniques. I have found somebody who works in an institute who has offered to show me some techniques of my choice. Could anyone give me any suggestions which techniques would be good to gain/learn.

Any feedback would be great