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"Further maths" self study??

i got 100% in C1 this january and i think i got 100% in C2 too today... (M1 on 6th june)

im doing C3, C4 and S1 next year...

so i was thinking of doing "Further Maths" but it would have to be self study (asked my teacher)...

so, anyone doing further maths... is it possible??

what modules are there? is it possible to do a full A Level in one year??


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Reply 1
gosh, nobody has ever asked this before, and it has set my head spinning. i bet you could do it though. but, C4 and C4 are a bit harder than the earlier modules. check them out as soon as possible, before planning any further.
Reply 2
Except some of FP topics build on those in C3 and C4? I think in EdExcel this is the case anyway...
is it possible??
No, without a teacher teaching you, it is impossible to read a textbook and work through the exercises.
is it possible to do a full A Level in one year??
No, noone is that clever, not even Einstein or Hawking. To do 6 modules in a year? That's crazy talk!

/the above comments may or may not be entirely sarcastic
Reply 4
The Further Maths network is set up for students just like you:

While it's run by MEI you can study other Exam Boards. Baal k is correct to point out that in the Edexcel syllabus FP1 is very dependent on C3 & C4 knowledge. Other Boards have made FP1 an AS module containing those further maths topics not dependent on C3 & C4.
Reply 5
jajaja.. so your saying it is impossible for ANYONE to self study ANY SUBJECT? '¬¬

dunno... maybe i'll do an AS in Further Maths (is it FP1, FP2 and M2??)
Reply 6
wow.. thanx a lot!! i'll check out the website...

"The Further Mathematics Network can enable you to study Further Mathematics A/AS qualifications, even when they are not offered directly by your school/college. "

THAT'S ME :smile:
Reply 7
jajaja.. so your saying it is impossible for ANYONE to self study ANY SUBJECT? '¬¬

dunno... maybe i'll do an AS in Further Maths (is it FP1, FP2 and M2??)

Further Maths AS is FP1 plus any two modules not studied as part of the A Level. For example it could be FP1 + D1 + S2.
Reply 8

is it possible to do a full A Level in one year??

It is actually possible, I'm doing further maths. Furthermore, I completed two full A-levels last year.

It is quite flexible on what modules you do. Over the two years, I have done C1, C2, C3, C4, M1, M2, D1, D2, M1, M2, FP1 and FP3. It would be better if you had a teacher or tutor to aid your study in further maths, but seeing as you seem quite intelligent, it may well be possible to do it on your own, just remember though, it might give you added pressure, without the extra help. Good luck with everything.
It is actually possible, I'm doing further maths. Furthermore, I completed two full A-levels last year.

It is quite flexible on what modules you do. Over the two years, I have done C1, C2, C3, C4, M1, M2, D1, D2, M1, M2, FP1 and FP3. It would be better if you had a teacher or tutor to aid your study in further maths, but seeing as you seem quite intelligent, it may well be possible to do it on your own, just remember though, it might give you added pressure, without the extra help. Good luck with everything.

You can't just do modules twice and expect them to give you an A-level...
Reply 10
That was a typing error, sorry. I meant S1 and S2, instead of one of the M1 and M2.
Reply 11
i dont know i think self study mite require a lot of work on ur side... but i guess you could do it.. yeah and i agree C3 is a lot harder than C1 and C2 and i'm still following the p1 p2 p3 thingi... i dont know if that makes a major difference or not... anyway if ur prepared to do it on ur own i'm sure u cud pull it off.. just a lot of practice...i'm doing p1 p3 s1 m1 in my first year of alevels and plan to take further math in the next year ...this year was a lot of pressure and by that i mean a lot of pressure ... but in the end it works out fine if u really wanna do it
Depending on your ability, you can do all the work required for an entire A Level in maths in as little as 3 or 4 weeks. If you're on a year out, you've no other constraints on your time (except a job perhaps) so you can burn through exercises quickly. None of the pointless "Now apply this method 50 times till you're utterly bored".
Reply 13
Picking up a textbook is not always that easy...

...some are God-damn heavy! Even MMfPE is hardly a book to carry around and read on the bus :smile:
I dont think i could manage A level maths in 3-4 weeks, considering that you start with only having GCSE standard maths which is so very basic. I mean you barely know how to solve a quadratic to start with let alone dealing with trig, integration, vectors etc Its all relative to what you've studied before.

And yes you can self-study, why not? I do. Apart from M2, i dont have a maths teacher. The books are so comprehensive. If you get really stuck you could ask on TSR or one of the maths teachers in your school (you dont have to be their student!)
U'll need a friend to discuss some problems in the books and so that u don't get exhausted doing it alone. If u find a good teacher it would be certainly helpful.

silent ninja
I dont think i could manage A level maths in 3-4 weeks, considering that you start with only having GCSE standard maths which is so very basic. I mean you barely know how to solve a quadratic to start with let alone dealing with trig, integration, vectors etc Its all relative to what you've studied before.
My first year differential equations course managed to cover all P1~P6 differential equations in about 3 hours of lectures, then went onto new stuff. When you cut out doing more than the minimal amount of examples and the students are good enough (and sensible enough to read a textbook when they get stuck on a problem) it's surprising how much material can be covered :wink:
Reply 17
No, without a teacher teaching you, it is impossible to read a textbook and work through the exercises.
No, noone is that clever, not even Einstein or Hawking. To do 6 modules in a year? That's crazy talk!

/the above comments may or may not be entirely sarcastic

well...there are some people in my college who are doing intensive A levels (1 year)
in Maths, Further Maths and Physics :eek: and some of them dont seem to be doing so bad either :rolleyes:
^ Are you being sarcastic to my sarcastic comments or do you not realise that I was being incredibly sarcastic (since it's quite obvious that someone can teach themselves almost anything given the right resources and time).
Reply 19
well...there are some people in my college who are doing intensive A levels (1 year)
in Maths, Further Maths and Physics :eek: and some of them dont seem to be doing so bad either :rolleyes:

i want to believe this post makes use of a highly sophisticated form of sarcasm, i really do...