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Reply 1
I'm an only child, I really wish I had a sibling. It's worse when you get older and you don't have any siblings to share the physical and emotional burden of caring for your parents. The emotional side is especially difficult.
I have six brothers and two sisters. Enough said? :tongue:
Reply 3
My brother and I are both extremely similar
Reply 4
I would of absolutely loved having a house full of brothers and sisters i get so lonely in my house :/ i know it isnt always a good thing in term of having to share everything and you dont always get on well with them.

Having a quiet house is horrible :/ when i have kids i want at least 3.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Sorry to hear that :frown:

Having a sister can be a real pain, but I would never wish I didn't. Do you have any cousins or anything? I know it's not the same, but it's still someone you will always have a blood tie to. Otherwise, I guess just have multiple children yourself. I think two is optimal, because with three I imagine you get other kinds of problems such as one feeling left out, particularly if the genders are different.
Reply 6
I have 2 brothers, one 2 yrs older and one 6 yrs younger

I didn't fully appreciate them until I lost a parent :frown:
Reply 7
I love most things about being an only child, but I've seen my mum have to go through looking after her parents single-handedly as they got older (as she's an only child too) and that's the one thing I am worried about. It's not that I don't want to look after my parents when they're older- I'm happy to, since they looked after me for so long, and I love them very much- but it would be nice to at least have the emotional support from a sibling or two.

I've never been lonely as an only child, though. I guess I've been very lucky in my friendships and I also feel very independent and ready to 'take on the world', so to speak, so I'd see that as an advantage of being an only child. Depends on the parents, though, as many only children are mollycoddled and so they don't develop that independence, which is a shame.
I really don't get the whole "I wish I was an only child" thing. I've got a brother a couple of years older than me and a sister a few years younger. When I was a child and of course when I was a teenager, I barely went a single day without having an argument with my sister or a fight with my brother. But even so, plenty of good memories with them and there was never a lonely moment. Despite all of the fighting my brother and I actually used to hang out together in the same group of friends, and hung out together when there were no friends around. We'd constantly take the piss out of each other and have the odd fight, but there was never any serious animosity.
All of us have grown up now, my brother is like one of my best mates, and I genuinely enjoy spending time with my sister. Also living at home with my sister means I can get her advice on stuff that girls know all about, like having a female friend but one who you'd never start to develop feelings for.
I don't wish I was an only child. I'm socially awkward enough even with a sibling.
Reply 10
lmao what type of awful person wishes they were an only child
My mother and father split up when I was young, they both remarried, my mother had no more kids, my father had four more, my sister is eight, and my brothers are 6, 4 and 4 (twins). I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, I get the best of both worlds. I live with both of them equally.
I'm so different to both my sisters that it feels I am a only child sometimes.
I'm arguing with my eldest sister only because I don't talk much when I am revising and she get funny about it for no reason. The sister I live with has a very active social life where as I have to be alone a lot. It's not that I don't want siblings cause it is nice having someone to talk to and share things with (most of the time I annoy them) but I just wish my eldest sister wasn't so harsh and kinder to my mother and my other sister understood me better and wasn't such a bitch and take things out on me.

Posted from TSR Mobile
I kinda had the best of both worlds when I was growing up... I've got two sisters, but they're much much older than me. I'm 18, while one is 28 and the other 31. When I was 4, my eldest sister left for uni. When I was 8, my other sister left for uni, and then sister 1 had a baby... Which meant from 8 years old I was the only kiddy in my house, but got to see my eldest sister when she'd babysit me/I'd get to play with my nephew. Always felt like an only child at home though, which admittedly is probably why I got grumpy about sharing stuff if one came home for any reason....
Nowadays it's awesome, cus they're both in that "been there, done that" stage so I can go to them for advice:smile:
Reply 14
I have 2 younger brothers. One, who is 15, I get on very well with and whom often joins in online games and Skype calls with my mates and vice versa. The other, who is 17, is angry constantly, very hot-headed, often treating everybody like crap, and is just going nowhere in life in general. I wish my eldest brother would sort himself out and stop acting like he is the centre of the universe, but I definitely don't wish I was an only child.
(edited 11 years ago)
Original post by CJKay
I have 2 brothers. One, who is 15, I get on very well with and whom often joins in online games and Skype calls with my mates and vice versa. The other, who is 17, is angry constantly, very hot-headed, often treating everybody like crap, and is just going nowhere in life in general. I wish my eldest brother would sort himself out and stop acting like he is the centre of the universe, but I definitely don't wish I was an only child.

Your older brother sounds like my eldest sister

Posted from TSR Mobile
Hell no my sister means the world.
Me and my brother have a 17 year age gap... so I'm basically an only-child... I'd have quite liked a brother closer to my age... my childhood was quite lonely really...
I am an only child and its actually good. Being lonely taught me to be imaginative, creative, thoughtful, efficient and to know when to speak, and I don't have to rely on anyone else for my own problems. I wouldn't of minded an older sibling but, it's just another death to deal with.
Reply 19
Have 3 sisters and 3 brothers, although there are some issues here and there I wouldn't change it for the world :tongue: I loved growing up in a house full of people, and having lots of people about - we're all quite different from each other as well so it's quite a diverse range of personalities. I'm 5th eldest out of 7 children if anyone is wondering.