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Business Studies (AQA) - with Centre Parcs Case Study

Hi, im doing AQA business studies and was sondering what your techniques are for doing well in the exam, i basically revise through all teh keywords and teh report format for te last question and try my best in teh exam,

what are your techniques for revising and doing wel in the exam,

i got an A for the mocks and was 1 mark off from full marks in the coursework so i already have like 24% id be happy if we could share ideas and techniques
Reply 1
I highly recommend this site: (I know it says A-level, but scroll down the page and you'll find GCSE resources)

The page has analysis of the main aspects of the case study, which will definitely prove useful. Also, a 90-page, in-depth case study on CenterParcs is also provided. I'd look at the in-depth case study as it will give you all lot more background information and provide you with a much more comprehensive knowledge of CenterParcs and business in general, which should help you to provide strong, well-founded answers to the questions in the exam to get you top marks :smile:
Reply 2
thanks for the link ill check it out,

I would like to ask what your methods are for the last question the Report which we have to do its 14 marks a high perentage, what are your techniques
Reply 3
I would like to ask what your methods are for the last question the Report which we have to do its 14 marks a high perentage, what are your techniques

yh i wud like 2 know bout the report too! i hate the report... too much to write ..
n im doin AQA Business
Reply 4
can anyone tell me exactly what the report format is?

i know the heading is like
person name
your name
some reference thing

then have differnt sections and bullets in the main part. but it's all very vague. i was never actually taught it.
Reply 5
Don't quote me on this as I haven't been taught report writing either. However I've been looking around online lately, studying reports as well as getting advice from family and I've written below what I think is a fair summary of report format for the exam.

For the exam, the nature of the report seems to warrant an informal report, which is described as a report "used for internal use, particularly within departments and for dealing with routine issues. Memorandum format is often used for these reports." (a short formal report seems to require too much information to be the right choice in the exam).

The report would start off with something like this:

MEMO TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Peter S. Roberts
DATE: May 24, 2006
SUBJECT: Proposal To Attract Younger Customers

Make sure the headings are in block capitals. They should also be bold, but you can't really do that with pen and paper so I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Instead, underline them :smile:

Next, have the following titles and paragraphs below:


This is the first paragraph, simply write the subject in more detail, developing it a little bit. Only needs a sentence or two.


Another quick sentence about what you think the board of directors should do, you will then state the recommendation again in more detail at the end of the memo.


Then you would obviously, as the question will probably suggest, put across good and bad points for the proposal with any stats and figures (if you're fortunate to have come across some previously and remember it in the exam) and if possible construct graphs and charts out of them if you have time. If you do include charts and graphs, reference them in the memo as something like "Chart 1 shows there to be a 28% increase in profits..etc". If you don't it's fine, suggesting the advantages and disadvantages is the most important thing to do.

Then close with your thoughts on the findings, and make sure you don't introduce any new information in your conclusion, only refer to what you've already made note of in your findings. Finally, provide your recommendation again of what the company should do based on your findings. There's no need for a complimentary close as far as I know, I haven't seen any on professional reports. I've seen business reports use a reference initial to close, which are the initials of the inputter and sometimes the writer, but this will not be needed in the exam.

Number each paragraph in the margin as well. This is the basic gist of a report.
Reply 6
thanks fo rthe advice but i belive that it should be like this
who to
points to discuss a little intro
discuss main points
Reply 7
Definitely don't put your name at the end, bad, very very bad :p:
Reply 8
Don't quote me on this as I haven't been taught report writing either. However I've been looking around online lately, studying reports as well as getting advice from family and I've written below what I think is a fair summary of report format for the exam.

For the exam, the nature of the report seems to warrant an informal report, which is described as a report "used for internal use, particularly within departments and for dealing with routine issues. Memorandum format is often used for these reports." (a short formal report seems to require too much information to be the right choice in the exam).

The report would start off with something like this:

MEMO TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Peter S. Roberts
DATE: May 24, 2006
SUBJECT: Proposal To Attract Younger Customers

Make sure the headings are in block capitals. They should also be bold, but you can't really do that with pen and paper so I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Instead, underline them :smile:

Next, have the following titles and paragraphs below:


This is the first paragraph, simply write the subject in more detail, developing it a little bit. Only needs a sentence or two.


Another quick sentence about what you think the board of directors should do, you will then state the recommendation again in more detail at the end of the memo.


Then you would obviously, as the question will probably suggest, put across good and bad points for the proposal with any stats and figures (if you're fortunate to have come across some previously and remember it in the exam) and if possible construct graphs and charts out of them if you have time. If you do include charts and graphs, reference them in the memo as something like "Chart 1 shows there to be a 28% increase in profits..etc". If you don't it's fine, suggesting the advantages and disadvantages is the most important thing to do.

Then close with your thoughts on the findings, and make sure you don't introduce any new information in your conclusion, only refer to what you've already made note of in your findings. Finally, provide your recommendation again of what the company should do based on your findings. There's no need for a complimentary close as far as I know, I haven't seen any on professional reports. I've seen business reports use a reference initial to close, which are the initials of the inputter and sometimes the writer, but this will not be needed in the exam.

Number each paragraph in the margin as well. This is the basic gist of a report.

ohhhh thanks soo much... i really needed that
repped u for it :smile:
Reply 9
ohhhh thanks soo much... i really needed that
repped u for it :smile:

No problem and thanks for the rep! :smile:
Can you help me with the mark scheme of the centre parcs case study
Original post by Aliyu345426
Can you help me with the mark scheme of the centre parcs case study

Also having problems with the calculations in the paper