They really can takes ages, even once you've got an appointment at the orthodontists
I think i waited around 2 months for my first 'appointment' (if you'd even call it that) all they did was double check my my dentist had referred me really, gave my teeth a quick check, literally 20 seconds then told me 'yes, you do need braces' well i already knew that, but he said I'd be put on the waiting list, it was 4 years long at the time and being 17 at that point i realized i'd never actually get them because id be too old on the nhs, i still hoped they would contact me to let me know though considering i'll be 19 in august but yeah i've herd people waiting 2-4 years for them on
As i obviously do need braces i will get them one day, just will obviously have to pay for them myself so i'm going to wait till after uni till i have a job.