The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
done it, hope its useful
Reply 2
Reply 3

Presumably to effect successful character assassinations at a later date.
Reply 4
Guys, give this a go. Sha's blog is pretty interesting too.

She's the girl who sold her virginity (as research for a play)

very funny gal. I am ot a huge fan at all, clearly/
Reply 5
Done it.
Reply 6
Thank you to everybody who has helped so far
Reply 7
Do we get any related freebies?
Reply 8
Do we get any related freebies?

No free sex for you!
Please help me to collect data on the sexual attitudes and behaviours of UK students and other young people

Ok, my data is hardly helpful to you, but I have completed it nonetherless. Good luck with whatever you want to use it for.
Reply 10
No free sex for you!

Awwwww whaaat! *goes off in a huff*

that survey makes no sense.

what exactly is the difference between.

With approximately how many women would you
say you have had sex?


With approximately how many people have you
shared penetration between a penis and a vagina?

Reply 12
Well you get to define what you think is sex before you ask that question, so if you think sex includes things other than penetration then your "tally" (for want of a better word) will be higher.
Reply 13
Yeh the survey won't really be valid eitherway because it all depends on how the person defines "having sex".

Reply 14
Yeh the survey won't really be valid eitherway because it all depends on how the person defines "having sex".

The survey isn't LIMITED by the fact that definitions vary, it's ABOUT just that!

That's why it asks people to define sex, count their partners by their definition and then count by various other suggested definitions.
Reply 15
El Scotto

what exactly is the difference between.

With approximately how many women would you
say you have had sex?

With approximately how many people have you
shared penetration between a penis and a vagina?

Try asking a lesbian that question. Many girls enjoy a rich sex life without using a penis. Likewise many men enjoy sex without a vagina.
Reply 16
So then why is there the need for the rest of the survey and not just the main question?


The definitions dont vary, sex is sex, toys, oral and whatever else come under anything different.

If men think "they're having sex without a vagina" they're deluding themselves.
Reply 18
^ But they're variations of sex are they not?

^ But they're variations of sex are they not?


Sounds like foreplay to me. lol