The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i dont have any pictures of inside the buildings unfortunately, but i do have some photos that someone i know took (the attached photos).. i have a picture of my room from last year somewhere....
I took these photos

My tower room and my view

Reply 2
Hi i have some photos on my msn space of the great times at essex uni. I am restarting my first year, cos i screwed it up big time in the four weeks i was there.
Anyway heres a link of all the nutty fun we have.

Check out essex uni 05/06
Reply 3
tuppence, you know we can't view your pics unless we're part of your msn contacts or you add us to a list of ok'd people.
Reply 4
Here's some photos I took, feel free to add more of essex using the link at the bottom of the page
Reply 5
loftx's review
The accommodation is either sociable and scummy (towers) or unsocialble and nice (courts)

:frown: Are the courts really that unsociable? Cos I reeeally don't want to live in the towers, but if I end up a social ****** because of not living there, I'll be really pissed off. Essex is my isnurance anyway so I doubt I'd get into the towers even if I wanted to. I bet I won't get into my firm though, and I don't want to be a recluse at Essex! Arghhh.
Reply 6
you'll be fine! if you dont get into your firm and you end up at essex, you probs wont get towers, so maybe see about going for houses or wolfson court (which are slightly cheaper and more sociable than south courts).

Saying that though, Essex is so friendly even if you don't get along so well with your flat mates (if you're in south courts.. cos you will most likely get a long with most people in towers) there are so many clubs on campus you'll meet plenty of people anyways!