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Reply 1
What is the best way to ask out a girl that you seen before but dont know her name etc.

I really want to her from the girls... how would you be preferd to be asked out.

also, say I asked you out (female) and you reject me for what ever reason, if you see me, would you think i am a loser or think indifferently, as before or what?

I would prefer to get chatting to him and get to know him first before he asks me out. But on the other hand, if a lad I see around lots of times and he asked me out, I would be flattered and would want to get to know him. I don't really reject lads much, I always give them a chance and see what they're like.:biggrin:

But if I did reject the person which is unlikely, then no I wouldn't think your a loser, I would be thinking your confident and I would properly notice you more which is a good thing because then the person starts growing on me and I would start liking him..:rolleyes: but thats just me.

Just go for it! Be a man :p:

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 2
Approach as a friend will probably emit a better impression from your side.
Reply 3
i'd like it if you just came up to me, chatted to me, made me laugh, then asked 4 my email later. or asked me if i would like to go out for drinks sometime then maybe exchanged phone no's. but i'd be wary if this was just some guy who saw me for 2 minutes at a bus stop or something, email is the max i'd give him, MAYBE, depending how well the banter went. anyway i hate it when guys beat about the bush when asking girls out, just get straight to it!

as for if i rejected you, i'd admire you for having the guts to ask in the first place! and coz you would have flattered me i'd probably like u bit better than before :smile:
Reply 4
actually i wouldnt give the bus stop guy my email...
Reply 5
actually i wouldnt give the bus stop guy my email...

Reply 6
What is the best way to ask out a girl that you seen before but dont know her name etc.

I really want to her from the girls... how would you be preferd to be asked out.

also, say I asked you out (female) and you reject me for what ever reason, if you see me, would you think i am a loser or think indifferently, as before or what?

slip a note in her hand as you walk by or in her bag or however possible, saying something like 'i'd like to get to know you" and give her your mobile number/email addy and cute smiles can make all the difference!! :smile:
Reply 7
slip a note in her hand as you walk by or in her bag or however possible, saying something like 'i'd like to get to know you" and give her your mobile number/email addy and cute smiles can make all the difference!! :smile:
I'm going to try that with you :smile: I hope it'll work.
Reply 8
^ im assuming you havent spoken to her before and you would like to get to know her first before asking her out..

..and of course you can just start chatting her up..but dont make it reaaally obvious that you want to ask her out from the very this can put her off...personally it puts me off
Reply 9
I'm going to try that with you :smile: I hope it'll work.

the cute smiles?! :rolleyes: lol :p: i know you have a cute smile from that baby picture of you :smile:
slip a note in her hand as you walk by or in her bag or however possible, saying something like 'i'd like to get to know you" and give her your mobile number/email addy and cute smiles can make all the difference!! :smile:

If I were given that and had cute (possibly interpreted as creepy) smiles aimed at me, I would probably feel uneasy calling them, or think it was a joke. I think you need to be extremely confident or sincere looking to be able to pull this off.
Reply 11
personally if i guy did the note thing like marie05 said, i'd not like very much. it's too.... i dunno the word, its too quiet n mysterious n a lil bit creepy if i felt some random guy's hand in my hand or felt someone put something in my bag. in fact if i felt someone put something in my bag i'd turn round n kick the the crap out of whoever it was. :smile: (then run away fast as).

PLUS: if you left it in my bag when i wasn't there then id have no idea who you were! and id be too scared to call/email in case you were 90 or something.
the cute smiles?! :rolleyes: lol :p: i know you have a cute smile from that baby picture of you :smile:
Well, anything really :redface: I just can't seem to get your attention enough :frown:
personally if i guy did the note thing like marie05 said, i'd not like very much. it's too.... i dunno the word, its too quiet n mysterious n a lil bit creepy if i felt some random guy's hand in my hand or felt someone put something in my bag. in fact if i felt someone put something in my bag i'd turn round n kick the the crap out of whoever it was. :smile: (then run away fast as).

PLUS: if you left it in my bag when i wasn't there then id have no idea who you were! and id be too scared to call/email in case you were 90 or something.

My thoughts exactly!
Reply 14
personally if i guy did the note thing like marie05 said, i'd not like very much. it's too.... i dunno the word, its too quiet n mysterious n a lil bit creepy if i felt some random guy's hand in my hand or felt someone put something in my bag. in fact if i felt someone put something in my bag i'd turn round n kick the the crap out of whoever it was. :smile: (then run away fast as).

PLUS: if you left it in my bag when i wasn't there then id have no idea who you were! and id be too scared to call/email in case you were 90 or something.

sorry yea i agree with you, but im assuming that the OP and the girl have seen each other on several occasions whether its at school/uni/work, but never had the chance to chat.
Reply 15
Well, anything really :redface: I just can't seem to get your attention enough :frown:

:frown: im sorry, but last time we were chatting you were the one who didnt reply! :rolleyes:
Reply 16
slip a note in her hand as you walk by or in her bag or however possible, saying something like 'i'd like to get to know you" and give her your mobile number/email addy and cute smiles can make all the difference!! :smile:

Worst idea ever!

Just chat to her as if you would anyone else, as long as you're casual nothing can go wrong - if you get a good vibe then ask her out for a drink, which if she accepts will lead to exchanged numbers. If you don't get a good vibe just leave it, you won't have lost anything.

Oh, and don't ask for her email, that's just weird.
:frown: im sorry, but last time we were chatting you were the one who didnt reply! :rolleyes:
Let's chat now then :biggrin: This could be the start of something :redface:
Reply 18
Worst idea ever!

LOL :redface: okay i'll shut up then!
Reply 19
Let's chat now then :biggrin: This could be the start of something :redface:

what form of communication are we going for this time?! :p: