The Student Room Group

The Eton Group

Do you or did you go to one of them? Does it matter to you? What are your thoughts on it? What about the HMC?

The Eton Group are...

* Eton College
* Bryanston School
* Dulwich College
* Highgate School
* King's College School, Wimbledon
* The King's School, Canterbury
* Marlborough College
* St Paul's School
* Sherborne School
* Tonbridge School
* University College School, Hampstead
* Westminster School

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I am surprised that Winchester and Harrow are not on the list.
Reply 2
HMC has some pretty awful schools in it. I believe its only when you leave your public school that you realise how important it was that you went there. The Old Boys Network is online even, you can ask for work experience, ask for a foot up for an internship at a bank, and although sceptics may say it wont work, it does help alot.

There are however many other top good schools that are not in the eton group, harrow, winchester, latymer, just to name a few.
Maybe 12 is enough? Or maybe, the others feel their interests are already represented.

The Old Boys Network is online even, you can ask for work experience, ask for a foot up for an internship at a bank, and although sceptics may say it wont work, it does help alot.

Really? Any chance of a link?
What's the Eton Group for? Also are you sure Epsom isn't on it?

Near the bottom of the page

And a similar kind of looking thing on:

I don't actually know much about it though. But they discuss more than academic matters. Eton Group schools (and some non-Eton ones) were all fined by the DTi for price fixing a couple years ago. Nominal sums though. Only £23,000 I think.
Reply 6
The Ace is Back
What's the Eton Group for?

That's what I was wondering. The only information that a quick google found was "Heads of the academic departments meet annually in rotation to discuss curriculum matters of common interest."

The membership of the group seems fairly random as well, a mixture of day and boarding schools, and the very academic and not so academic.
Reply 7
Oh sorry i didnt mean haha as one general link, but when you leave most of the top public schools you get a username and password which link you to their own school old boys network and you log onto it, a bit like facebook but its for everyone thats been to your school and its more geered towards job opportunities and stuff
Reply 8

Near the bottom of the page

And a similar kind of looking thing on:

I don't actually know much about it though. But they discuss more than academic matters. Eton Group schools (and some non-Eton ones) were all fined by the DTi for price fixing a couple years ago. Nominal sums though. Only £23,000 I think.

Think it was £60,000 . That was a couple of months, not years ago.

The list of the 242 HMC schools can be found here:
Reply 9
British schools fined for price-fixing

LONDON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- Some of Britain's most prestigious schools, including Eton, Harrow and Winchester, have been fined for price-fixing.

The 50 schools must pay a total of 3.5 million pounds (just over $6 million) in a settlement with the Office of Fair Trading, the Times of London reported. The money is to go into a trust fund to assist students who attended the schools when they were allegedly exchanging information on fee hikes and other financial data.

Eton, where Prince William and his brother Harry were students, Harrow and the rest of the group are known in Britain as public schools, a term that originally distinguished them from private schools run to make a profit, although they are not government-operated.

The schools have until March 31 to decide whether to accept the deal.

Copyright 2006 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
Reply 10
Why didn't my parents send me to a PROPER public school... Noooo, I got a run o' the mill private school no one's ever heard of and therefore will never help me in life! GAH!

Hmm, I remember the 'shock' when Eton was fined the fees of one pupil for one year (£23,000 ish).

Might be that things have proceeded further. Cheers for the updates and all that.

The membership of the group seems fairly random as well, a mixture of day and boarding schools, and the very academic and not so academic.

I don't know enough about each of the individual schools to really pass comment on that. I guess it means that the group tries to establish some kind of concensus between the 'better end of the HMC' then. I don't think any of those schools are bad anyway.
Reply 12
Any of you lot get invited to join the East India Club in London as leavers of an HMC school? I did and I'm not going!
what's a HMC school?
Reply 14
Yeah, everyone gets invited to join the east india club dont they? it seems a bit naff but im loving the all mens rooms, brilliant
Reply 15
I go to one of the Eton group schools - not telling which one and it's not in Manchester
Hmm, I remember the 'shock' when Eton was fined the fees of one pupil for one year (£23,000 ish).

Might be that things have proceeded further. Cheers for the updates and all that.

Nah it was £23,000 - incidentally, the amount required to send one boy to the school.
Reply 17
I am surprised that Winchester and Harrow are not on the list.

That is because Harrow is so much better:p:
Harrow's one of the worst schools ever, on a par with somewhere like Slough Comprehensive. The problem with Harrovians is they're arrogant and yet have absolutely NOTHING to be arrogant about :wink:
Reply 19
The Ace is Back
Harrow's one of the worst schools ever, on a par with somewhere like Slough Comprehensive. The problem with Harrovians is they're arrogant and yet have absolutely NOTHING to be arrogant about :wink:

seconded, what a bunch of cocks