The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Do a search - loads of people have asked before - and it varies massively even within a college. Some colleges will have price bands - @ Jesus I'm fairly sure we all pay the same - mine is probably something like 4.5 x 5 and i share a bathroom with 5 other girls. On the other hand my tute partner has a tiny bedroom but shares a sittingroom (at least 4 times the size of my bedroom) with her room mate and they share a bathroom.
Reply 2
some colleges have databases... this is the one for hertford, although it deals mainly with 2nd and 3rd year accommodation offsite:
Reply 3
These are rooms in newer blocks but there must be some pictures of older ones somewhere. Rooms are generally more generous than you'd find at other universities.
Teddy Hall - Emden Building

Jesus College -Steven's Close

St Antony's College
My two cents;

LMH room finder

but doesn't include Deneke (the rooms all us freshers are stuck into). There are however pictures of these in the photobook section of the same website.
lincoln anyone?
I know we've done the room rent thing before. But that link to the St. Anthony's page had their room rates on it... I got my stuff from Hertford yesterday and for a virtually identical room to the St. Ants bedsit one (100 quid a week) Hertford wants 70 quid a week on a very flexible lease where you don't pay in vac if you're away etc. etc.

I wonder what the rents are like for these other ones people have posted?
Reply 8
Wow, those Merton rooms look really nice. Which years are they for?
Wow, those Merton rooms look really nice. Which years are they for?

They're for 2nd/3rd years, but the 1st year rooms are huuge...some sets too, no en-suite, but with 4 people sharing 3 showers, there's not really a need. My room atm is about 2.5 times my room at home :smile:

St Alban's 2:3 is the world's nicest room *wants* I'm going to be so far down the ballot in 3rd year...:frown:
lincoln anyone?

Don't have pictures I'm afraid, at least not to hand. Lincoln's accommodation is circa Oxford average. Most rooms are quite nice: typically modern and well-furnished, and the average room size, I feel, is slightly up on the Oxford average. Even the worst rooms aren't too bad. It falls down at the higher end: Lincoln's good rooms are not that good in comparison to the best rooms at other colleges. I never considered that a big factor (not many people get the best rooms anyway!), so I'd rate it fairly good overall.

All rooms are the same rent, though the bursar continually tries to change that.
Reply 11
Lincoln's housing database (but it may only work if you're in Oxford):

Some of the rooms have photos, but a lot don't, so you'll just have to play around til you find some!

However, be aware that this is 2nd/3rd year accomodation ONLY - The fresher's get the best rooms (most ensuite) in the buildings around the quads.
The fresher's get the best rooms (most ensuite) in the buildings around the quads.

Really? How cool :biggrin: it's usually the other way around...aww can't wait!
Reply 13
Lincoln's housing database (but it may only work if you're in Oxford):

Yep, doesn't work here. I'll just try my luck and ask if anyone has SPC room photos? :p:
Reply 14
Anyone have pics of rooms at Balliol?
Chloé: "Sorry, access to the housing database is only permitted from a Lincoln IP address." Not much help to prospective students :wink:
Reply 16
Chloé: "Sorry, access to the housing database is only permitted from a Lincoln IP address." Not much help to prospective students :wink:

Well I did say that I didn't know if you could access it or not! I can't tell since I'm obviously on a computer within Lincoln! Never mind.......:frown:
Reply 17
Teddy Hall rooms anyone?
Teddy Hall rooms anyone?

There are two to view here, in the Emden Building.

Oh, and more here:
Reply 19
Here's two shots of my room in Teddy Hall, for all you eager young things.

One just after I finished unpacking on the evening of my very first night up in Oxford:

And one showing the other half of the room, taken after we'd finished setting everything up for a rather good party:

The rooms vary in size a lot - the ones in Whitehall are about half the size, while the ones in Emden and Kelly are about the same.