OK - you are well qualified for all the courses so far. PPE recommends history and maths, and another essay subject is good.
How to decide? Firstly, wait and see what results you get - a B in maths for example would be worse for a PPE application than a history/h&P application.
Also, try reading some economicsy books, because if you hate it, then you should think twice about applying for it. A-Level textbooks are probably not the way to go here - try reading books by economists for the general public, like Freakanomics, or books by Krugman like 'The Accidental Theorist'. These books require no formal economics training to understand but explain well a lot of interest economic ideas in a variety of situations. Try reading the economist as well.
Have a look in detail on those websites you have mentioned about what you will actually do in your first year. Try and imagine what it would be like, and think about which appeals the most.
Finally, keep an open mind. I was sure I would apply to maths until a few months before applying, when I changed course completely. Things might jump out at you in the next few months as you research courses, so see what happens!