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Biology and Geography joint honours

I am thinking of possibly doing Biology and geography combined at University instead of just doing the one subject and also the fact that i can't decide which subject to take so i thought why not take them combined. The thing is, is that the only university i know which does Biology and Geography combined is Exeter University. Does anyone know any other universities that does this course?? Because i have looked at a few universities and they don't seem to do the joint one, unless i am not looking hard enough??? Also is anyone else taking this course, if so, is good n interesting??
Reply 1
i think there are other unis that do it. What standard of uni are you thinking of? i.e. i know worcester does it (my bio teacher did bio and geog there) but thats not the best uni...keep looking its a decent degree if you're not sure what you want to do and it combines both you interests go for it.

try looking on the UCAS website in the courses section that should tell you what unis do it.:smile:
Reply 2
just looked on UCAS these unis do straight bio and geog:

chester, derby , gloucestershire, keele, kingston, lancaster, liverpool john moores, oxford brookes, wolverhampton, worcester

plus there are many other unis with slightly different course e.g. biogeography at brighton, forensic bio and geog at chester, environmental biogeoscience at leeds etc. Have a look at UCAS and see.
Plus, don't some natural science courses offer geography as a major subject, so you could do both biology and geography together?

Don't quote me on that!
I do not have any info, but I think it's an amazing course choice. I was very sorry to stop studying these two subjects in particular when I finished the IB and now I've chosen my university course, many regrets at the inevitable specialization. Good luck to you.
Reply 5
Thankx for ur replies!!- I was also wondering, by doing the joint honours, does it mean that it is more work, that its harder?? Because my biology teacher asked me what i was thinking of doing at uni and i said maybe doing Joint bio and geog n she said that, that may involve more work- is that true??? Or is the joint subjects the same amount of work involved if you were just doing one degree e.g. just Biology????????? :confused:
Reply 6
not having done one im not sure but they generally have a reputation for being more work...depends on the uni in the end.
I'm doing joint honours in languages and languages and linguistics. Everything I have heard indicates that joint honors courses are likely to be more work.
Reply 8
Durham would be brilliant for this if you can get the grades. Get onto the Natsci course and you can study basically whatever you want, either bits and bobs or concentrate on two and get a joint honours. Durham is brill for geography, too.

Look into it.
I think Keale does joint courses.
I'm sure that there are more universities that will offer such joint honours - I think it would be entirely possible at the Scottish Universities.

Joint Honours is hard work though and doesn't seem to get the respect it deserves by employers (they seem to view it as a display indecision rather than the intellectual achievement that it is).
Reply 11
im doing joint honours physical geography and biology at keele in september
Reply 12
At lancaster university you can either do a joint honours or choose one of the sujects as a minor in your first year (like i did with biology)! OR you could do the latter then change to a joint honour degree in your second year, even if you just applied to study geography or biology! (if that makes sense)?!

With a joint honours I imagine it should still work out at about the same amount of work as the whole system works in modules. So, everyone does a certain amount of modules, no matter what subject they're studying. (at least that's how i think it works at lancaster)! :smile:
Reply 13
Joint Honours does in theory mean exactly the same amount of work - 50% of each - and as Katius says you will be doing the same number of modules as other students. But the problem is that by having only done half of each course you may find yourself at a disadvantage because your knowledge is not as broad, and therefore you may need to do extra reading etc to achieve the same level as if you were doing a SH course. The reality is that most people will end up doing more work.
Reply 14
Im doing bio and geo at swansea university
and so far i have had a free choice of modules in geo even for my second year
currently the trips for geo in the second year are vancover, majorca or austria
altho you have less priority on these than the single honour students
as far as the first year goes i wouldnt say there is more work
i think brighton also does it
and keele specialises in joint honours...they give you a choice of geo and bio
physical geo and bio or human and bio.
i find my course interesting butunis vairy slightly\
also sumthing to think about is if your uni does jan exams or just gives you loads in june
and if modules are mainly c/w or exam based