The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well, from my own personally experience i'd go for Badock any day of the week. I have a mate at Churchill and he likes it there but has admitted to me that he'd prefer to be at Badock. Badock general seems to have a more "down-to-earth", friendly atmosphere - really one of the most sociable halls in Bristol. Churchill, to me, just seems a bit cut off and excluded from the whole Stoke Bishop social scene. I think that's largely down to geographical position being the other side of Stoke Park Road and not on Hollybush lane.

The food is probably better at Churchill but who goes to Uni for the food. :smile:

Just my thoughts.
Reply 2
Have you visited? It really gives you a feel for the atmosphere.
Reply 3
Churchill - the rooms are bigger & with thicker walls, I spent a year in both, I know.
The social scene this year will change next year as people come & go.
Reply 4
How'd you manage that? (spending a year in both)
Reply 5
perhaps a stupid question, but would it be stupid to put wills as first and churchill as second for accommodation choice, as they're both v hard to get in to?
norn iron
perhaps a stupid question, but would it be stupid to put wills as first and churchill as second for accommodation choice, as they're both v hard to get in to?

Lol, this question has been asked so many times! Yes, it would be a bad idea. If you're putting Wills first, you should put something undersubscribed as your back up, like Badock/Hiatt Baker.
Reply 7
lol... thought as much! yea i'm sure it has been asked a million times, but i'm hardly ever on this thing and thought i'd get a quick response... thanks!
Reply 8
that would be the dream situation!
Reply 9
Reply 10
How'd you manage that? (spending a year in both)
. ..and the 1st year I was in Wills - I was given the option (back in the 80s lol ) !
Don't you get the option of staying in nowadays ?